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Re: error in process sentinel: Empty string for buffer name is not allowed

In [emacs-w3m : No.11630] Billy wrote:
>>> https://duckduckgo.com/lite/ - prints the following error message:
>>> error in process sentinel: generate-new-buffer: Empty string for
>>> buffer name is not allowed
>>> error in process sentinel: Empty string for buffer name is not allowed

>>> https://duckduckgo.com/lite/?q=test - this works, but clicking 'Next
>>> Page' prints the same error message.
> Upgraded to the cvs development version, but getting same error.
> It happens when I click the 'next-page' widget for more results, not
> on loading the page.

Hmm, there should be no chance to call `generate-new-buffer' when
clicking the `Next Page' button.  That's a mystery.

> I've only been able to reproduce this bug on the SSL version of the
> duckduckgo page. I don't get it using https://encrypted.google.com --
> but that page renders the 'next results' as a regular link, not a
> widget (if that makes a difference).

> w3m -version (from Ubuntu repo):
> w3m version w3m/0.5.2, options
> lang=en,m17n,image,color,ansi-color,mouse,gpm,menu,cookie,ssl,ssl-verify,external-uri-loader,w3mmailer,nntp,gopher,ipv6,alarm,mark,migemo

I use:
  w3m -version (that of the latest Cygwin)
  w3m version w3m/0.5.2, options

I'll try it also in the Linux (Fedora 14) machine in home, later.