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Re: when the first <LI> is in a right-to-left language

Using (setq bidi-paragraph-direction 'left-to-right) would help.

I don't when we should set to 'left-to-right by default. Maybe we can
consider language environment, I guess.

Katsumi Yamaoka <yamaoka@xxxxxxx> writes:

> In [emacs-w3m : No.11687] jidanni@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
>> It's crazy I tell you! On http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vevo one needs to add
>> <!-- LANGUAGES -->
>> <div class="portal" id='p-lang'>
>> 	<h5>Languages</h5>
>> 	<div class="body">
>> 		<ul>
>>                 <li>DUMB</li> <------------ this
>> Or else because the first item in the list in a 'right to left'
>> language, the whole list renders way over against the right margin!
>> Only happens inside emacs, not plain w3m.
> Interesting!  That happens in the following steps:
> emacs-w3m passes the html source "<ul><li>DUMB</li></ul>" to w3m.
> w3m returns
> , and emacs-w3m tries to remove those two useless tags in turn.
> After having removed the second one, the line
>   *</_SYMBOL> DUMB
> changes into:
>                                                           DUMB *
> I have no idea for the solution.  I'm going to ask for a help in
> the mule-ja list.