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Re: long source lines cause cursor to jam when searching


(setq w3m-use-tab nil) let me move the cursor on the stacked line.

I suspect the "return mark" somewhat collide with the tab line, when
the return mark fill both side top to bottom.

On Mon, Apr 16, 2012 at 7:40 PM, Katsumi Yamaoka <yamaoka@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> In [emacs-w3m : No.11804] jidanni@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
>>>>>>> "KY" == Katsumi Yamaoka <yamaoka@xxxxxxx> writes:
> KY> M-x toggle-truncate-lines before searching will avoid the cursor
> KY> from being stuck, but that's not a solution.  I've been suspecting
> KY> it's an Emacs 24 bug.
>> ♥♥♥ Please report it for me if you can reproduce it!
> ♠♠♠ Unfortunately I've never yet found a generic way (i.e. without
> emacs-w3m) to reproduce this.  What I knew about it so far are:
> It doesn't happen
> ・in tty (emacs -nw)
> ・when performing `M-: (forward-char)' instead of `C-f'
> ・when visiting html comtents from a file, that is gotten by wget
> ・in an Emacs buffer in which the html contents are copied from
>  a *w3m* buffer.
> ・after performing `M-: (kill-all-local-variables)'
> So, I have no conviction that emacs-w3m does not, though I suspect
> an Emacs bug in one side.