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Re: broken image scrolling

In [emacs-w3m : No.12331]
	On Sun, 06 Jul 2014 15:53:42 +0200, Max wrote:
> While viewing web page with lots of images, especially big ones the
> mouse wheel scrolling seems to be completely broken - it sometimes
> stuck for few moments, sometimes jumps too far all of a sudden. Is
> it a known bug? Is there workaround available?

Anyone will win in the Emacs world if one improves it drastically.
This is an Emacs matter, not only that of emacs-w3m.  AFAIK some
people have ever wrestled with it, but it is incomplete yet even
in Emacs 24.4.50.  The key will probably be to let scrolling work
based on pixels, not characters, adaptively.

Instead, we emacs-w3m team offer the zoom features (`M-]' & `M-[').
To try those commands, you'd better use the latest emacs-w3m source
(i.e. CVS).