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Re: broken image scrolling

Thanks for the explanation - I've probably hit it with w3m first because I mostly
work with text in emacs, which is fairly expected :)

07.07.2014 00:49, Katsumi Yamaoka пишет:
> In [emacs-w3m : No.12331]
> 	On Sun, 06 Jul 2014 15:53:42 +0200, Max wrote:
>> While viewing web page with lots of images, especially big ones the
>> mouse wheel scrolling seems to be completely broken - it sometimes
>> stuck for few moments, sometimes jumps too far all of a sudden. Is
>> it a known bug? Is there workaround available?
> Anyone will win in the Emacs world if one improves it drastically.
> This is an Emacs matter, not only that of emacs-w3m.  AFAIK some
> people have ever wrestled with it, but it is incomplete yet even
> in Emacs 24.4.50.  The key will probably be to let scrolling work
> based on pixels, not characters, adaptively.
> Instead, we emacs-w3m team offer the zoom features (`M-]' & `M-[').
> To try those commands, you'd better use the latest emacs-w3m source
> (i.e. CVS).