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Re: configure x xemacs

In [emacs-w3m : No.12503]
	On Mon, 28 Sep 2015 07:11:46 -0500, Andrés Ramírez wrote:
> While compiling toplevel forms in file /home/aramirez/downloads/apel-xemacs/apel/pccl-20.el:
>   !! Wrong number of arguments ((#<compiled-function (from ...

Oh, I could reproduce it using XEmacs 21.5-b32.  I think it is
a bug of XEmacs 21.5, maybe happens conditionally; what causes
the error is a GNU Emacs part of pccl-20.el, i.e.:

(if (featurep 'xemacs)
    (XEmacs thing)
  (GNU Emacs thing) <--

But it should be ignored by XEmacs (contrarily GNU Emacs ignores
the XEmacs part when compiling).  So, I made a temporary patch
(attached below).  This might be why the official XEmacs APEL
package was made with XEmacs 21.4.22.

In addition to a patch, I made two compiled package of APEL; one
is made with XEmacs 21.5-b32 and the other is made with XEmacs
21.4.23.  Try them if you feel like.


--- pccl-20.el.orig	2013-07-02 22:34:56.000000000 +0000
+++ pccl-20.el	2015-09-29 00:20:13.000000000 +0000
@@ -78,18 +78,18 @@
 	 name 'ccl docstring
 	 (list 'mnemonic (char-to-string mnemonic)
 	       'decode (symbol-value decoder)
-	       'encode (symbol-value encoder))))
-    (defun make-ccl-coding-system
-      (coding-system mnemonic docstring decoder encoder)
-      "\
-Define a new CODING-SYSTEM by CCL programs DECODER and ENCODER.
-CODING-SYSTEM, DECODER and ENCODER must be symbol."
-      (when-broken ccl-accept-symbol-as-program
-	(setq decoder (symbol-value decoder))
-	(setq encoder (symbol-value encoder)))
-      (make-coding-system coding-system 4 mnemonic docstring
-			  (cons decoder encoder)))
+	       'encode (symbol-value encoder)))	)
+;    (defun make-ccl-coding-system
+;      (coding-system mnemonic docstring decoder encoder)
+;      "\
+;Define a new CODING-SYSTEM by CCL programs DECODER and ENCODER.
+;CODING-SYSTEM, DECODER and ENCODER must be symbol."
+;      (when-broken ccl-accept-symbol-as-program
+;	(setq decoder (symbol-value decoder))
+;	(setq encoder (symbol-value encoder)))
+;      (make-coding-system coding-system 4 mnemonic docstring
+;			  (cons decoder encoder)))
   (when-broken ccl-accept-symbol-as-program