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Problems with <RET>.
- From: "Hwaen Ch'uqi" <hwaenchuqi@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Sun, 20 Dec 2015 04:44:53 -0500
- X-ml-name: emacs-w3m
- X-mail-count: 12547
Dear Community,
Many greetings. I am a user of emacs24.5, and I recently installed
emacs-w3m from cvs. I have found that certain buttons in gmail, such
as "delete," no longer respond to <RET>. Instead, I get a message like
Invalid function: w3m-anchor
The only solution which seems to work is to hold down the shift key
wile pressing <RET>. Unfortunately, this action also results in the
creation of a second emacs-w3m buffer, where a copy of the original
buffer appears.
I have also been seeing quite often this message, especially when
tabbing over a form field
Wrong number of arguments: #[(form id name)
"\306H\307\211\211\2038 @=\203- \310\211A@\262\311\"\211\203-
A\307\211AA\262\211\204 +\207" [form value pair plist id name 5
nil plist-get :value] 4], 2
Is this possibly related to the other problem? Are these bugs?
Hwaen Ch'uqi