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Trouble starting emacs-w3m

I go for weeks or months at a time without exiting emacs. Today I did,
and here is the trouble I'm having with emacs-w3m.

1. Exit emacs and emacs-daemon.

2. cvs update emacs-w3m

3. configure, make, make install

4. start emacs.

5. Emacs init file aborted, with warning, ; "Symbol's value as
   variable is void: w3m-mode-hook".

6. Per the README, my .emacs includes (require 'w3m-load) and
   (load-library "w3m-load").

7. Adding to my .emacs file also (require 'w3m) and (load-library
   "w3m") solves the warning.

8. exit emacs and emacs-daemon and restart.

9. Emacs init file aborted, with warning, "Symbol's value as
   variable is void: w3m-select-buffer-mode-hook".

So, does the README need to be updated?

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