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https://melpa.org/packages/w3m-20180221.2059.tar: Not found

I was about to report an issue with Elpa, then realized they have changed their API and a lot of apps are not compatible.

Here is what is going on, on the Elpa interface everything is perfect. The recipe seems up to par:
:fetcher github
:repo "emacsorphanage/w3m"
:files (:defaults "icons" (:exclude "octet.el" "mew-w3m.el" "w3m-xmas.el")))

Here is the download link:

I am using the following init.el
When I add w3m to the list in line 18
I get the following error:
Notice how it differs from the download link on the Elpa site:
There one is removed from where it belongs and pushed to the end.

Here is a link to another app that is having a similar problem, that is how I realized it was not an Elpa problem.

Please advise,
P.S. running the latest MacOS 18.2.0 with the latest emacs 25.3.1