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Re: Does w3m-new-session-in-background work for you?

*Please let me open the personal mail to the list.

On Sun, 14 Apr 2019 16:15:08 -0400, Boruch Baum wrote:
> I was trying to get new buffers to appear in the background, and to do
> so what I tried was to set variable `w3m-new-session-in-background' to
> non-nil, and then use keybinding 'G' (w3m-goto-url-new-session) on a
> link.

> But this isn't working for me. Does it work for you? Am I doing this
> incorrectly?

In the condition `w3m-new-session-in-background' is non-nil,
`w3m-view-this-url-new-session' works as expected but
`w3m-goto-url-new-session' doesn't.  I've been understanding for
years it is what it is.  Oh, but it is not documented, is it?
It might be better to make `w3m-new-session-in-background'
influence all the *-new-session commands, I come to think.


-----Original Message-----
From: Boruch Baum <boruch_baum@xxxxxxx>
Sent: Sun, 14 Apr 2019 16:15:08 -0400
To: Katsumi Yamaoka <yamaoka@xxxxxxx>
Subject: Does w3m-new-session-in-background work for you?

Hi Katsumi-san,

I was trying to get new buffers to appear in the background, and to do
so what I tried was to set variable `w3m-new-session-in-background' to
non-nil, and then use keybinding 'G' (w3m-goto-url-new-session) on a

But this isn't working for me. Does it work for you? Am I doing this

At first glance, I see some curious things in the code.

1) function w3m-goto-url-new-session calls function w3m-copy-buffer, and
uses variable w3m-new-session-in-background to set that function's
BACKGROUND arg. However, within function w3m-copy-buffer, both
BACKGROUND and w3m-new-session-in-background are used. Shouldn't only
BACKGROUND be used? (see lines ~8025 and ~8044)

2) function w3m-goto-url-new-session performs switch-to-buffer in order
to do its work, but won't that over-ride any background setting,
since the new buffer will now be current? (ie. instead of using
something like function with-current-buffer) (see line ~10085).

3) Should the docstring for function w3m-goto-url-new-session mention
that the prefix arg controls the RELOAD option, or is that
intentionally an undocumented feature? I'm a bit confused by it,
because in other parts of the code the terminology is NO-CACHE, which
seem to mean the same thing, is that right?

3.1) My keybinding show `R' bound to function w3m-reload-this-page,
so I was thinking to have the prefix arg for
w3m-goto-url-new-session control BACKGROUND. I do see a
hypothetical usefulness in having it used for RELOAD, because
doing so allows someone to see sis-by-side whether and how a URL
has changed since last visited.

4) The docstring for function w3m-copy-buffer I find quite confusing in
its description of the interplay between args JUST-COPY, EMPTY, and

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