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Re: reload twice with minimal (?) example and 'emacs -q'

Boruch Baum wrote:

[First, thanks _a lot_ for this long and
 educative answer!]

>> OK, is it encouraged to get Emacs-w3m from
>> MELPA rather than the repos?
> I personally would encourage it, but that's
> not an official answer from the project nor
> from debian. The theory behind preferring the
> debian packaging is that the specific builds
> / versions: 1] have been tested by debian for
> reliability, inter-operability, and security,
> and; 2] can be updated auto-magically when
> debian feels it's desirable. OTOH, MELPA is
> kind of a free-for-all in that there doesn't
> seem to be any scrutiny of pacakges by MELPA,
> so you need to trust each developer of each
> package, and you need to decide how / when /
> what to upgrade. In the particular case of
> emacs-w3m, the current situation is that the
> MELPA version is programmed to be updated for
> each and every single commit to the emacs-w3m
> master branch.

OK, so perhaps I just need to upgrade emacs-w3m
to solve the issue with

    (void-variable w3m-url-invalid-regexp)

[see the thread/subject "installing Emacs-w3m
from MELPA"], if indeed this is a bug within
the actual software, and not some
installation/byte-compilation issue. It doesn't
sounds like that, but who knows? Part of the
answer: Not me :) [Again, see the
other thread.]

> The debian emacs team has actually been very
> active recently, and have been making changes
> to their policies and packaging formats.
> I haven't been following the details, and
> would like to find a single document or web
> page that describes the changes. As of today
> ...
>   $ apt-cache search elpa- | wc -l 299

Holy socks! I have that 110, and with

$ aptitude search elpa- | wc -l

I wonder where the 11 left out went? [diff

The reason for the 299-110 discrepancy is,
I think, you are on a vanilla Debian box and
I have Raspbian, which is Debian for the RPi3,
but not quite, as we see here :)

> I would like the project to consider moving
> to a multi-branch release process, in which
> the project would have branches *master*.
> *testing*, *unstable*, and any number of
> *experimental* branches. The project would
> normally accept reasonably looking pull
> requests into *unstable*, move them into
> *testing* as they appear validated by testing
> and use, and then migrate into *master* as
> a tagged release commit when the project is
> certain about their stability. Melpa could
> then be set up to have separate packages
> pointing to each of the branches, for each
> user to make their own risk/benefit decision.
> The *experimental* branches would be reserved
> for pull requests that proved buggy, but that
> showed enough promise, active interest, and
> active development to not be discarded.

This seems like a good idea in theory, only
perhaps in practice it'll be a challenge to set
it up and have it automated so that devel work
can still be fast and not require too much
overhead. Because in theory, there isn't any
difference between theory and practice, but in
practice, there is :)

As for MELPA and a user POW, to, again, not
make it too complicated IMO two versions of
emacs-w3m would be enough, one (hopefully :))
stable and one experimental.

But I'm not an emacs-w3m developer so obviously
this is 100% up to you guys :)

>> And what happens with the repos installation
>> if I install it from MELPA? Does it make
>> sense to purge it first?
> Short answer: yes
> Longer answer: The theory is that emacs will
> only look as far as the first instance found
> in its `load-path', which *should* mean that
> your personally-installed and melpa-installed
> packages should have priority over the
> system-wide debian installed packages.
> For a system that you control and curate, it
> becomes a decision for you to make, based
> upon the varying needs of each of your
> user accounts.

See the other thread for my
installation/byte-compilation issues, if
you'd like.

[diff file]

[Note: Later on in the below output, diff will
 use the same notation as a mail citation.
 Hitting the button to explode it should work
 if you have your client hide citations, as I'm
 sure everyone that has that knows very well :)]

$ diff apt-cache-elpa.txt aptitude-search-elpa.txt
< agda-mode - transitional dummy package for elpa-agda2-mode
< elpa-ace-link - selecting a link to jump to
< elpa-ace-window - selecting a window to switch to
< elpa-agda2-mode - dependently typed functional programming language — emacs mode
< elpa-aggressive-indent - Emacs minor mode that reindents code after every change
< elpa-anzu - show number of matches in mode-line while searching
< elpa-async - simple library for asynchronous processing in Emacs
< elpa-avy - jump to things in Emacs tree-style
< elpa-beacon - highlight the cursor whenever the window scrolls
< elpa-bind-key - simple way to manage personal keybindings
< elpa-buttercup - behaviour-driven testing for Emacs Lisp packages
< elpa-circe - client for IRC in Emacs
< elpa-clues-theme - cream/brown/orange color theme for Emacs
< elpa-company - Modular in-buffer completion framework for Emacs
< elpa-concurrent - higher level library for concurrent tasks
< elpa-ctable - table component for Emacs Lisp
< elpa-deferred - simple asynchronous functions for Emacs Lisp
< elpa-diminish - hiding or abbreviation of the mode line displays of minor-modes
< elpa-discover-my-major - discover key bindings and their meaning for the current Emacs major mode
< elpa-ebib - BibTeX database manager for Emacs
< elpa-editorconfig - coding style indenter for all editors - Emacsen plugin
< elpa-elfeed - Emacs Atom/RSS feed reader
< elpa-elfeed-web - Emacs Atom/RSS feed reader - web interface
< elpa-elisp-slime-nav - Emacs extension that provide Emacs Lisp code navigation
< elpa-epc - RPC stack for Emacs Lisp
< elpa-epl - Emacs Package Library
< elpa-ert-async - asynchronous tests for the Emacs ERT testing framework
< elpa-eshell-up - quickly go to a specific parent directory in eshell
< elpa-evil - extensible vi layer for Emacs
< elpa-evil-paredit - emacs extension, integrating evil and paredit
< elpa-expand-region - Increase selected region in Emacs by semantic units
< elpa-f - modern API for working with files and directories in Emacs Lisp
< elpa-fill-column-indicator - graphically indicate the fill column
< elpa-flx - sorting algorithm for fuzzy matching in Emacs
< elpa-flx-ido - allows Emacs Ido to use the flx sorting algorithm
< elpa-flycheck - modern on-the-fly syntax checking for Emacs
< elpa-fsm - state machine library
< elpa-geiser - enhanced Scheme interaction mode for Emacs
< elpa-git-commit - Major mode for editing git commit message
< elpa-git-timemachine - walk through git revisions of a file
< elpa-goto-chg - navigate the point to the most recent edit in the buffer
< elpa-helm - Emacs incremental completion and selection narrowing framework
< elpa-helm-core - Emacs Helm library files
< elpa-helm-projectile - Helm integration for Projectile
< elpa-highlight-indentation - highlight the indentation level in Emacs buffers
< elpa-hydra - make Emacs bindings that stick around
< elpa-ibuffer-projectile - group buffers in ibuffer list by Projectile project
< elpa-ibuffer-vc - group ibuffer list by VC project and show VC status
< elpa-ido-completing-read+ - completing-read-function using ido
< elpa-ido-ubiquitous - use ido (nearly) everywhere
< elpa-ido-vertical-mode - make ido-mode display vertically
< elpa-iedit - edit multiple regions in the same way simultaneously
< elpa-jabber - Jabber client for Emacsen
< elpa-js2-mode - Emacs mode for editing Javascript programs
< elpa-ledger - command-line double-entry accounting program (emacs interface)
< elpa-let-alist - let-bind values of an assoc-list by their names in Emacs Lisp
< elpa-linum-relative - display relative line number in Emacs
< elpa-magit - Emacs interface for Git
< elpa-magit-popup - Use popup like Magit
< elpa-makey - flexible context menu system
< elpa-markdown-mode - mode for editing Markdown-formatted text files in GNU Emacs.
< elpa-monokai-theme - fruity color theme for Emacs
< elpa-muse - Author and publish projects using Wiki-like markup
< elpa-noflet - Emacs Lisp noflet macro for dynamic, local advice
< elpa-notmuch - thread-based email index, search and tagging (emacs interface)
< elpa-org-bullets - show bullets in Org-mode as UTF-8 characters
< elpa-paredit - Emacs minor mode for structurally editing Lisp code
< elpa-parsebib - Emacs Lisp library for parsing .bib files
< elpa-pdf-tools - Display and interact with pdf in Emacs.
< elpa-pdf-tools-server - server for Emacs's pdf-tools
< elpa-persp-projectile - integrate perspective.el with projectile
< elpa-perspective - tagged workspaces in Emacs
< elpa-pkg-info - provide information about Emacs packages
< elpa-popup - visual popup user interface library for Emacs
< elpa-powerline - Emacs version of the Vim powerline
< elpa-projectile - project interaction library for Emacs
< elpa-python-environment - virtualenv API for Emacs Lisp
< elpa-rainbow-delimiters - Emacs mode to colour-code delimiters according to their depth
< elpa-rainbow-mode - colorize color names in buffers
< elpa-recursive-narrow - narrow-to-region that operates recursively
< elpa-restart-emacs - restart emacs from within emacs
< elpa-rust-mode - Major Emacs mode for editing Rust source code
< elpa-seq - sequence manipulation functions for Emacs Lisp
< elpa-shut-up - Emacs Lisp macros to quieten Emacs
< elpa-simple-httpd - pure elisp HTTP server
< elpa-smex - M-x interface with Ido-style fuzzy matching
< elpa-sml-mode - Emacs major mode for editing Standard ML programs
< elpa-solarized-theme - port of Solarized theme to Emacs
< elpa-tablist - tablist adds maks and filters to tabulated-list-mode
< elpa-undo-tree - Emacs minor mode for handling undo history as tree
< elpa-use-package - use-package declaration for simplifying your .emacs
< elpa-vala-mode - Emacs editor major mode for vala source code
< elpa-vimish-fold - fold text in GNU Emacs like in Vim
< elpa-with-editor - Call program using Emacs as $EDITOR
< elpa-ws-butler - unobtrusively remove trailing whitespace in Emacs
< elpa-yasnippet - Template system for Emacs
< elpa-zenburn-theme - low contrast color theme for Emacs
< elpa-ztree - text mode directory tree
< elpa-zzz-to-char - fancy version of `zap-to-char' command
< emacs-jabber - Transition package, emacs-jabber to elpa-jabber
< expand-region-el - Transition package, expand-region-el to elpa-expand-region
< geiser - Transition Package, geiser to elpa-geiser
< libelpa-dev - Eigenvalue SoLvers for Petaflop-Applications (Development version)
< magit - transitional dummy package for elpa-magit
< muse-el - Transition Package, muse-el to elpa-muse
< notmuch-emacs - thread-based email index, search and tagging (transitional package)
< paredit-el - transitional dummy package for elpa-paredit
< sml-mode - Transition package, sml-mode to elpa-sml-mode
< vala-mode-el - Transition Package, vala-mode-el to elpa-vala-mode
< yasnippet - Transition Package, yasnippet to elpa-yasnippet
> p  bzr-search - search plugin for Bazaar
> p  codesearch - regular expression search over large bodies of source code
> p  elasticsearch - Open Source, Distributed, RESTful Search Engine
> p  elasticsearch-curator - command-line tool for managing Elasticsearch time-series indices
> p  elpa-ace-link - selecting a link to jump to
> p  elpa-ace-window - selecting a window to switch to
> p  elpa-agda2-mode - dependently typed functional programming language — emacs mode
> p  elpa-aggressive-indent - Emacs minor mode that reindents code after every change
> p  elpa-anzu - show number of matches in mode-line while searching
> p  elpa-async - simple library for asynchronous processing in Emacs
> p  elpa-avy - jump to things in Emacs tree-style
> p  elpa-beacon - highlight the cursor whenever the window scrolls
> p  elpa-bind-key - simple way to manage personal keybindings
> p  elpa-buttercup - behaviour-driven testing for Emacs Lisp packages
> p  elpa-circe - client for IRC in Emacs
> p  elpa-clues-theme - cream/brown/orange color theme for Emacs
> p  elpa-company - Modular in-buffer completion framework for Emacs
> p  elpa-concurrent - higher level library for concurrent tasks
> p  elpa-ctable - table component for Emacs Lisp
> p  elpa-deferred - simple asynchronous functions for Emacs Lisp
> p  elpa-diminish - hiding or abbreviation of the mode line displays of minor-modes
> p  elpa-discover-my-major - discover key bindings and their meaning for the current Emacs major mode
> p  elpa-ebib - BibTeX database manager for Emacs
> p  elpa-editorconfig - coding style indenter for all editors - Emacsen plugin
> p  elpa-elfeed - Emacs Atom/RSS feed reader
> p  elpa-elfeed-web - Emacs Atom/RSS feed reader - web interface
> p  elpa-elisp-slime-nav - Emacs extension that provide Emacs Lisp code navigation
> p  elpa-epc - RPC stack for Emacs Lisp
> p  elpa-epl - Emacs Package Library
> p  elpa-ert-async - asynchronous tests for the Emacs ERT testing framework
> p  elpa-eshell-up - quickly go to a specific parent directory in eshell
> p  elpa-evil - extensible vi layer for Emacs
> p  elpa-evil-paredit - emacs extension, integrating evil and paredit
> p  elpa-expand-region - Increase selected region in Emacs by semantic units
> p  elpa-f - modern API for working with files and directories in Emacs Lisp
> p  elpa-fill-column-indicator - graphically indicate the fill column
> p  elpa-flx - sorting algorithm for fuzzy matching in Emacs
> p  elpa-flx-ido - allows Emacs Ido to use the flx sorting algorithm
> p  elpa-flycheck - modern on-the-fly syntax checking for Emacs
> p  elpa-fsm - state machine library
> p  elpa-geiser - enhanced Scheme interaction mode for Emacs
> p  elpa-git-commit - Major mode for editing git commit message
> p  elpa-git-timemachine - walk through git revisions of a file
> p  elpa-goto-chg - navigate the point to the most recent edit in the buffer
> p  elpa-helm - Emacs incremental completion and selection narrowing framework
> p  elpa-helm-core - Emacs Helm library files
> p  elpa-helm-projectile - Helm integration for Projectile
> p  elpa-highlight-indentation - highlight the indentation level in Emacs buffers
> p  elpa-hydra - make Emacs bindings that stick around
> p  elpa-ibuffer-projectile - group buffers in ibuffer list by Projectile project
> p  elpa-ibuffer-vc - group ibuffer list by VC project and show VC status
> p  elpa-ido-completing-read+ - completing-read-function using ido
> p  elpa-ido-ubiquitous - use ido (nearly) everywhere
> p  elpa-ido-vertical-mode - make ido-mode display vertically
> p  elpa-iedit - edit multiple regions in the same way simultaneously
> p  elpa-jabber - Jabber client for Emacsen
> p  elpa-js2-mode - Emacs mode for editing Javascript programs
> p  elpa-ledger - command-line double-entry accounting program (emacs interface)
> p  elpa-let-alist - let-bind values of an assoc-list by their names in Emacs Lisp
> p  elpa-linum-relative - display relative line number in Emacs
> p  elpa-magit - Emacs interface for Git
> p  elpa-magit-popup - Use popup like Magit
> p  elpa-makey - flexible context menu system
> p  elpa-markdown-mode - mode for editing Markdown-formatted text files in GNU Emacs.
> p  elpa-monokai-theme - fruity color theme for Emacs
> p  elpa-muse - Author and publish projects using Wiki-like markup
> p  elpa-noflet - Emacs Lisp noflet macro for dynamic, local advice
> p  elpa-notmuch - thread-based email index, search and tagging (emacs interface)
> p  elpa-org-bullets - show bullets in Org-mode as UTF-8 characters
> p  elpa-paredit - Emacs minor mode for structurally editing Lisp code
> p  elpa-parsebib - Emacs Lisp library for parsing .bib files
> p  elpa-pdf-tools - Display and interact with pdf in Emacs.
> p  elpa-pdf-tools-server - server for Emacs's pdf-tools
> p  elpa-persp-projectile - integrate perspective.el with projectile
> p  elpa-perspective - tagged workspaces in Emacs
> p  elpa-pkg-info - provide information about Emacs packages
> p  elpa-popup - visual popup user interface library for Emacs
> p  elpa-powerline - Emacs version of the Vim powerline
> p  elpa-projectile - project interaction library for Emacs
> p  elpa-python-environment - virtualenv API for Emacs Lisp
> p  elpa-rainbow-delimiters - Emacs mode to colour-code delimiters according to their depth
> p  elpa-rainbow-mode - colorize color names in buffers
> p  elpa-recursive-narrow - narrow-to-region that operates recursively
> p  elpa-restart-emacs - restart emacs from within emacs
> p  elpa-rust-mode - Major Emacs mode for editing Rust source code
> p  elpa-seq - sequence manipulation functions for Emacs Lisp
> p  elpa-shut-up - Emacs Lisp macros to quieten Emacs
> p  elpa-simple-httpd - pure elisp HTTP server
> p  elpa-smex - M-x interface with Ido-style fuzzy matching
> p  elpa-sml-mode - Emacs major mode for editing Standard ML programs
> p  elpa-solarized-theme - port of Solarized theme to Emacs
> p  elpa-tablist - tablist adds maks and filters to tabulated-list-mode
> p  elpa-undo-tree - Emacs minor mode for handling undo history as tree
> p  elpa-use-package - use-package declaration for simplifying your .emacs
> p  elpa-vala-mode - Emacs editor major mode for vala source code
> p  elpa-vimish-fold - fold text in GNU Emacs like in Vim
> p  elpa-with-editor - Call program using Emacs as $EDITOR
> p  elpa-ws-butler - unobtrusively remove trailing whitespace in Emacs
> p  elpa-yasnippet - Template system for Emacs
> p  elpa-zenburn-theme - low contrast color theme for Emacs
> p  elpa-ztree - text mode directory tree
> p  elpa-zzz-to-char - fancy version of `zap-to-char' command
> p  embassy-domsearch - Extra EMBOSS commands to search for protein domains
> p  fusionforge-plugin-globalsearch - FusionForge plugin - Globalsearch
> p  gnome-search-tool - GNOME tool to search files
> p  golang-codesearch-dev - regexp search over large bodies of source (development files)
> p  hp-search-mac - Search for a MAC address on HP switches
> v  iceweasel-searchload-options - 
> p  libcarrotsearch-hppc-java - High Performance Primitive Collections for Java
> p  libcarrotsearch-randomizedtesting-java - Randomized testing infrastructure for JUnit, Ant and Maven
> p  libclass-dbi-abstractsearch-perl - Abstract Class::DBI's SQL with SQL::Abstract
> p  libdbix-fulltextsearch-perl - Indexing documents with MySQL as storage
> p  libdbix-searchbuilder-perl - Perl implementation of a simple ORM
> p  libelasticsearch1.7-java - Open Source, Distributed, RESTful Search Engine -- libraries
> p  libelpa-dev - Eigenvalue SoLvers for Petaflop-Applications (Development version)
> p  libfile-searchpath-perl - Perl module for searching for a file in a PATH-like variable
> p  libghc-stringsearch-dev - Fast searching, splitting and replacing of ByteStrings
> v  libghc-stringsearch-dev- - 
> p  libghc-stringsearch-doc - Fast searching, splitting and replacing of ByteStrings; documentation
> p  libghc-stringsearch-prof - Fast searching, splitting and replacing of ByteStrings; profiling libraries
> v  libghc-stringsearch-prof- - 
> p  libjs-jquery.quicksearch - plug-in for filtering large data sets with user input
> p  libjs-magic-search - AngularJS widget that provides a UI for faceted and text search
> p  libkf5akonadisearch-bin - Akonadi search library - runtime binaries
> p  libkf5akonadisearch-data - Akonadi search library - data files
> p  libkf5akonadisearch-dev - Akonadi search library - development files
> p  libkf5akonadisearch-plugins - Akonadi search library - runtime plugins
> p  libkf5akonadisearchcore5 - Akonadi search core library
> p  libkf5akonadisearchdebug5 - Akonadi search debug library
> p  libkf5akonadisearchpim5 - Akonadi search library
> p  libkf5akonadisearchxapian5 - Akonadi search xapian library
> p  libkinosearch1-perl - Perl library providing search engine features
> p  libpcl-search1.8 - Point Cloud Library - search library
> p  libperldoc-search-perl - Index and Search local Perl Documentation
> p  libsearch-elasticsearch-perl - Perl client for Elasticsearch
> p  libsearch-estraier-perl - pure perl module to use Hyper Estraier search engine
> p  libsearch-gin-perl - Perl module for Generalized Inverted Indexing
> p  libsearch-queryparser-perl - Perl module to parse URI query strings into a data structure
> p  libsearch-xapian-perl - Perl bindings for the Xapian search library
> p  libsearchclient-dev - development files for libsearchclient
> p  libsearchclient0v5 - searchclient library for Strigi Desktop Search
> p  libsphinx-search-perl - Perl module for Sphinx search engine
> p  libwww-opensearch-perl - search OpenSearch compatible web sites
> p  libwww-search-perl - Perl modules which provide an API to WWW search engines
> p  packagesearch - GUI for searching packages and viewing package information
> p  php-horde-elasticsearch - Horde ElasticSearch client
> p  php-zend-search - Zend Framework - ZendSearch component
> p  python-elasticsearch - Python client for Elasticsearch
> p  python-elasticsearch-curator - Python library for managing Elasticsearch time-series indices
> p  python-elasticsearch-curator-doc - Python library for managing Elasticsearch time-series indices (documentation)
> p  python-elasticsearch-doc - Python client for Elasticsearch (Documentation)
> p  python-xstatic-jquery.quicksearch - jQuery.quicksearch XStatic support - Python 2.x
> p  python-xstatic-magic-search - Magic-Search XStatic support - Python 2.x
> p  python3-elasticsearch - Python client for Elasticsearch (Python3 version)
> p  python3-elasticsearch-curator - Python 3 library for managing Elasticsearch time-series indices
> p  python3-xstatic-jquery.quicksearch - jQuery.quicksearch XStatic support - Python 3.x
> p  python3-xstatic-magic-search - Magic-Search XStatic support - Python 3.x
> p  rsyslog-elasticsearch - Elasticsearch output plugin for rsyslog
> p  ruby-azure-mgmt-search - Microsoft Azure SDK for Ruby - Search
> p  ruby-bsearch - binary search library for Ruby
> p  ruby-elasticsearch - Ruby client for connecting to an Elasticsearch cluster
> p  ruby-elasticsearch-api - Ruby implementation of the Elasticsearch REST API
> p  ruby-elasticsearch-transport - low-level Ruby client for connecting to Elasticsearch
> p  search-ccsb - BibTeX search tool
> v  search-ccsb-el - 
> p  search-citeseer - BibTeX search tool
> p  searchandrescue - fly aircraft to search (for) and rescue people in distress
> p  searchandrescue-common - common files and documentation for searchandrescue
> p  searchandrescue-data - common data files for searchandrescue
> v  searchload-options - 
> p  searchmonkey - search files using regular expressions aiming to replace find/grep tools
> p  silversearcher-ag - very fast grep-like program, alternative to ack-grep
> p  silversearcher-ag-el - Emacs frontend to ag
> p  skksearch - SKK dictionary server handling multiple dictionaries
> p  sphinxsearch - Fast standalone full-text SQL search engine
> p  sylph-searcher - Full-text search program for Sylpheed or MH folders
> p  vdr-plugin-epgsearch - VDR plugin that provides extensive EPG searching capabilities
> p  xul-ext-searchload-options - tweak the searchbar's functionality

underground experts united