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Re: Problems installing emacs-w3m

In [emacs-w3m:13707]
On Thu, 26 Nov 2020 19:54:30 +0900, Tatsuya Kinoshita wrote:
>>> w3m-bookmark.el:40:1:Error: Symbol's value as variable is void: tabstop

> It seems (require 'w3m) causes evaluating w3m's config file similar
> to (load "~/.w3m/config"), so I guess w3m-init-file is incorrectly
> set to w3m's config file.  Anyway, try minimum configuration.

Thanks.  I could reproduce the error in question, i.e.,

Error: Symbol's value as variable is void: tabstop

while compiling a test file A.  A requires B, and B loads C that
contains the line:

tabstop 8