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Yesterday this article was published:
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I remember in the past Boruch published on this list some filters:
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- stackexchange
- youtube
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When Boruch published its filters on the list I asked him about
readability-mode (eww has it). So I did a filter for one of the sites I
visit regularly.

After readyng Tory's article two questions has arised:
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- Does w3m has readability-mode in some place within the source code(hidden)?
- If answer to previous question is NO. Which would be the right way of
coding it?
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I am asking the second question because the function eww-readable is a
very short function (it uses a couple of helper functs). And the filter I did in the past was very long.

In my opinion this functionality is going to be very useful. As I am not
the only one wanting it within w3m.

Best Regards