When installing through package mode, it is prompted that the Autoconf command does not exist。
Message: error
Data: (error . ":pre-build command error in \"emacs-w3m\" recipe in command \"(\\\"autoconf\\\")\"")
(signal error (":pre-build command error in \"emacs-w3m\" recipe in comman
(error ":pre-build command error in %S recipe in command %S" "emacs-w3m" "
(condition-case err (if (cl-every #'stringp command) (if (apply #'straight
(let ((command (car --dolist-tail--))) (condition-case err (if (cl-every #
(while --dolist-tail-- (let ((command (car --dolist-tail--))) (condition-c
(let ((--dolist-tail-- (if (cl-every #'listp commands) commands (list comm
(let ((default-directory repo) (commanderror nil)) (let ((--dolist-tail--
(if repo (let ((default-directory repo) (commanderror nil)) (let ((--dolis
(let* ((commands (and t (if post post-build pre-build))) (repo (and comman
(let* ((--cl-rest-- recipe) (pre-build (car (cdr (plist-member --cl-rest--
! Extended backtrace logged to ~/.emacs.d/.local/doom.error.log
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