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w3m-iso-latin-1 - "No such coding system"

This bug report will be sent to the emacs-w3m development team,
 not to your local site managers!!
Please write in simple English, because the emacs-w3m developers
aren't good at English reading. ;-)

Please describe as succinctly as possible:
	- What happened.
	- What you thought should have happened.
	- Precisely what you were doing at the time.

Please also include any Lisp back-traces that you may have.
Dear Bug Team!

When I use emacs-w3m I get the error message w3m-iso-latin-1 - "No
such coding system".

Here is a traceback.
Signaling: (invalid-argument "No such coding system" w3m-iso-latin-1)
  old-call-process-internal("/usr/local/bin/w3m" "/tmp/matsl/emacsEjA2VC" t nil "-halfdump" "-T" "text/html" "-t" "8" "-cols" "106" "-o" "display_image=on" "-ppl" "64" "-ppc" "6")
  apply(old-call-process-internal "/usr/local/bin/w3m" "/tmp/matsl/emacsEjA2VC" t nil ("-halfdump" "-T" "text/html" "-t" "8" "-cols" "106" "-o" "display_image=on" "-ppl" "64" "-ppc" "6"))
  call-process-internal("/usr/local/bin/w3m" "/tmp/matsl/emacsEjA2VC" t nil "-halfdump" "-T" "text/html" "-t" "8" "-cols" "106" "-o" "display_image=on" "-ppl" "64" "-ppc" "6")
  apply(call-process-internal "/usr/local/bin/w3m" "/tmp/matsl/emacsEjA2VC" t nil ("-halfdump" "-T" "text/html" "-t" "8" "-cols" "106" "-o" "display_image=on" "-ppl" "64" "-ppc" "6"))
  call-process("/usr/local/bin/w3m" "/tmp/matsl/emacsEjA2VC" t nil "-halfdump" "-T" "text/html" "-t" "8" "-cols" "106" "-o" "display_image=on" "-ppl" "64" "-ppc" "6")
  apply(call-process "/usr/local/bin/w3m" "/tmp/matsl/emacsEjA2VC" t nil ("-halfdump" "-T" "text/html" "-t" "8" "-cols" "106" "-o" "display_image=on" "-ppl" "64" "-ppc" "6"))
  call-process-region(1 357 "/usr/local/bin/w3m" t t nil "-halfdump" "-T" "text/html" "-t" "8" "-cols" "106" "-o" "display_image=on" "-ppl" "64" "-ppc" "6")
  apply(call-process-region 1 357 "/usr/local/bin/w3m" t t nil ("-halfdump" "-T" "text/html" "-t" "8" "-cols" "106" "-o" "display_image=on" "-ppl" "64" "-ppc" "6"))
  w3m-rendering-buffer-1(nil nil)
  w3m-rendering-unibyte-buffer("about:" nil)
  w3m-prepare-text-content("about:" "text/html" #<buffer "*w3m*"> nil)
  byte-code("..." [w3m-content-prepare-functions output-buffer url type --dolist-temp--43884 elem nil string-match throw content-prepared t w3m-external-view content-charset] 6)
  w3m-prepare-content("about:" "text/html" #<buffer "*w3m*"> nil)
  #<compiled-function (G43859 G43860 G43861 G43862 G43863 G43864 G43865 type handler --temp-buffer--43845) "...(133)" [w3m-process-exit-status type w3m-current-forms G43862 url G43865 (...) buffer-live-p string-match match-string 1 "//" 0 nil "^http://"; y-or-n-p "You are about to leave secure page. continue?" ding w3m-prepare-content get-buffer-window message "The content (%s) has been retrieved in %s" buffer-name t w3m-message "Cannot retrieve URL: %s%s" format " (exit status: %s)" "" --temp-buffer--43845 w3m-url-authinfo-regexp G43861 G43864 G43863 w3m-verbose] 6>(--G43846-- --G43847-- --secure-- --output-buffer-- --content-charset-- --content-type-- --url-- "text/html" (lambda (action) ((lambda ... "\nCommon Lisp lambda list:\n  (cl-none ACTION HANDLER)\n\n" ...) action nil)) #<buffer " *w3m-work*">)
  apply(#<compiled-function (G43859 G43860 G43861 G43862 G43863 G43864 G43865 type handler --temp-buffer--43845) "...(133)" [w3m-process-exit-status type w3m-current-forms G43862 url G43865 (...) buffer-live-p string-match match-string 1 "//" 0 nil "^http://"; y-or-n-p "You are about to leave secure page. continue?" ding w3m-prepare-content get-buffer-window message "The content (%s) has been retrieved in %s" buffer-name t w3m-message "Cannot retrieve URL: %s%s" format " (exit status: %s)" "" --temp-buffer--43845 w3m-url-authinfo-regexp G43861 G43864 G43863 w3m-verbose] 6> --G43846-- --G43847-- --secure-- --output-buffer-- --content-charset-- --content-type-- --url-- ("text/html" (lambda (action) (... action nil)) #<buffer " *w3m-work*">))
  (lambda (&rest --cl-rest--) "\nCommon Lisp lambda list:\n  (cl-none TYPE HANDLER --TEMP-BUFFER--43845)\n\n" (apply (quote #<compiled-function ... "...(133)" ... 6>) (quote --G43846--) (quote --G43847--) (quote --secure--) (quote --output-buffer--) (quote --content-charset--) (quote --content-type--) (quote --url--) --cl-rest--))("text/html" (lambda (action) ((lambda ... "\nCommon Lisp lambda list:\n  (cl-none ACTION HANDLER)\n\n" ...) action nil)) #<buffer " *w3m-work*">)
  w3m-retrieve-and-render("about:" nil nil nil nil nil (lambda (action) ((lambda ... "\nCommon Lisp lambda list:\n  (cl-none ACTION HANDLER)\n\n" ...) action nil)))
  #<compiled-function (url &optional reload charset post-data referer handler) "...(925)" [--reload--44048 --post-data--44051 --name--44053 action url --url--44047 set-text-properties 0 nil string-match "\\`mailto:\\(.*\\)" w3m-goto-mailto-url "\\`ftp://"; w3m-local-file-type "text/html" w3m-goto-ftp-url w3m-mode get-buffer-create "*w3m*" w3m-add-local-hook pre-command-hook w3m-store-current-position post-command-hook w3m-check-current-position "%b " (...) " / " w3m-current-title w3m-arrived-setup switch-to-buffer w3m-cancel-refresh-timer error "%s" "Can not run two w3m processes simultaneously" w3m-process-stop w3m-history-store-position make-symbol "--orig--" "--url--" "--reload--" "--redisplay--" "--charset--" "--post-data--" "--referer--" "--name--" match-string 1 "//" redisplay w3m-history-plist-put ...] 21 "Retrieve contents of URL.\nIf the second argument RELOAD is non-nil, reload a content of URL.\nExcept that if it is 'redisplay, re-display the page without reloading.\nThe third argument CHARSET specifies a charset to be used for decoding\na content.\nThe fourth argument POST-DATA should be a string or a cons cell.  If\nit is a string, it makes this function request a body as if the\ncontent-type is \"x-www-form-urlencoded\".  If it is a cons cell, the\ncar of a cell is used as the content-type and the cdr of a cell is\nused as the body.\nIf the fifth argument REFERER is specified, it is used for a Referer:\nfield for this request." (list (w3m-input-url nil ...) current-prefix-arg (w3m-static-if ... coding-system-for-read))>("about:" nil nil)

This bug appeared when I switched to using MULE XEmacs and the latest
version of emacs-w3m.


System Info to help track down your bug:
 => "1.2.242"
 => "XEmacs 21.5  (beta6) \"bok choi\" [Lucid] (i686-pc-linux, Mule) of Fri Apr 26 2002 on spencer"
 => (not bound)
 => (not bound)
 => linux
 => "w3m/0.2.5+cvs-1.315"
 => w3m
 => ("lang=en" "image" "color" "ansi-color" "mouse" "gpm" "menu" "cookie" "ssl" "ssl-verify" "external-uri-loader" "w3mmailer" "nntp" "gopher" "alarm" "mark")
 => nil
 => nil
 => nil
 => nil
 => nil

%% Mats