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Re: error when loading emacs-w3m when startxemacs

Katsumi Yamaoka <yamaoka@jpl.org> writes:

> Hi,
>>>>>> In [emacs-w3m : No.03586]
>>>>>>	alm@nomad.consult-meyers.com wrote:
>> Hello! Each time I start xemacs I get the following error message
>> pertaining to emacs-w3m:
>> Unknown key-sequence specifier: 67108896
>> This error is caused by the following line in ~/.xemacs/init.el
>> (require 'w3m)
>> If I comment out this line, the error does not recur. How can I fix
>> this, please?
> Let me ask you some questions.
> 1. Has your XEmacs been built with the Mule feature?
> 2. What version of emacs-w3m do you use?
> 3. How did you install emacs-w3m?
> 4. Could you send us a Lisp backtrace?
>    To do this, evaluate (type C-j at the end of the line) the
>    following s-expression in the *scratch* buffer:
>    (setq debug-on-error t)
>    and load the file w3m.el (not w3m.elc) using the command
>    M-x load-file.
> -- 
> Katsumi Yamaoka <yamaoka@jpl.org>

1. yes

2. 1.2.8

3. download source tarball, uncompress and untar, following

4. here please:

Signaling: (error "Unknown key-sequence specifier" 67108896)
  define-key(#<keymap size 359 0x8ea6> [3 67108896] w3m-history-store-position)
  byte-code("..." [w3m-lynx-like-map map make-keymap suppress-keymap define-key " " w3m-scroll-up-or-next-url "b" w3m-scroll-down-or-previous-url [backspace] [delete] featurep xemacs [(shift space)] [33554464] "h" backward-char "j" next-line "k" previous-line "l" forward-char "J" #<compiled-function nil "...(4)" [scroll-up 1] 2 nil nil> "K" #<compiled-function nil "...(4)" [scroll-down 1] 2 nil nil> "ç" goto-line "" "	" w3m-next-anchor [(shift tab)] w3m-previous-anchor [(shift iso-lefttab)] [down] "‰" [up] "
" w3m-view-this-url [(shift return)] w3m-view-this-url-new-session [(shift kp-enter)] [right] [(button2)] w3m-mouse-view-this-url [(shift button2)] w3m-mouse-view-this-url-new-session [mouse-2] [S-mouse-2] ...] 4)
  load-internal("w3m" nil nil nil binary)
  load("w3m" nil nil nil)
  command-execute(w3m t)
  byte-code("..." [print-escape-newlines print-length debugger-buffer debugger-value standard-output debugger-args pop-to-buffer erase-buffer t 50 backtrace debugger-mode re-search-forward "\n[* ] debug(" 1 debugger-reenable (lambda debug) "Entering:\n" debug backtrace-debug 3 delete-char ?* 0 exit "Return value: " prin1 ?\n ?\  error "Signaling: " "Beginning evaluation of function call form:\n" nil message "" recursive-edit buffer-read-only inhibit-trace] 3)
  debug(error (error "Unknown key-sequence specifier" 67108896))
  define-key(#<keymap size 359 0x8364> [3 67108896] w3m-history-store-position)
  byte-code("..." [w3m-lynx-like-map map make-keymap suppress-keymap define-key " " w3m-scroll-up-or-next-url "b" w3m-scroll-down-or-previous-url [backspace] [delete] featurep xemacs [(shift space)] [33554464] "h" backward-char "j" next-line "k" previous-line "l" forward-char "J" #<compiled-function nil "...(4)" [scroll-up 1] 2 nil nil> "K" #<compiled-function nil "...(4)" [scroll-down 1] 2 nil nil> "ç" goto-line "" "	" w3m-next-anchor [(shift tab)] w3m-previous-anchor [(shift iso-lefttab)] [down] "‰" [up] "
" w3m-view-this-url [(shift return)] w3m-view-this-url-new-session [(shift kp-enter)] [right] [(button2)] w3m-mouse-view-this-url [(shift button2)] w3m-mouse-view-this-url-new-session [mouse-2] [S-mouse-2] ...] 4)
  load-internal("w3m" nil nil nil binary)
  load("w3m" nil nil nil)

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