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Re: mailing list?


>>>>> In [emacs-w3m : No.03634]
>>>>>	"Tong Jin" <tong_jin@bah.com> wrote:

> I tried twice to subscribe to w3m mailing (to
> emacs-w3m-ctl@namazu.org) without any responses.

Oops.  I'm not sure how are the list administrations done.
Tsuchiya-san?  Anyway we welcome you to the emacs-w3m community.

> I understand most of the posts are in Japanese, which I don't
> understand, but I could not find another place to ask questions
> about it.

This is just the place to talk about emacs-w3m things.  Although
there are many Japanese people and are talking Japanese, feel
free to write in English.

> Basically, my question is how do I use emacs-w3m to display CJK web
> pages. I am using w3m 0.3, used all the default settings of
> emacs-w3m (w3m_el-1.3). For Japanese (such as yahoo japan), it seems
> to work. But for Chinese (gb or big5), the characters are not
> showing up correctly in emacs.

> My environment:
> * Gnu Emacs 21.2.1 Windows 2000,
> * w3m: compiled with cygwin version:
>        w3m version w3m/0.3, options
>        lang=ja,color,mouse,menu,cookie,ssl,external-uri-loader,w3mmailer,nntp,gopher,alarm,mark
> * emacs-w3m: 1.3, out of box configuration

> I'd really appreciate if you can help with these questions.

Well, you might have to install the Mule-UCS Emacs Lisp package,
which is available in:


In addition, I recommend you apply the following patch.  It was
contributed by Dave Love to make Mule-UCS load fast for Emacs
21.2 and later, with my small addition:
--- Mule-UCS-0.84/lisp/jisx0213/x0213-csys.el~	2000-11-21 01:34:27.000000000 +0000
+++ Mule-UCS-0.84/lisp/jisx0213/x0213-csys.el	2002-04-07 22:59:57.067017578 +0000
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 ;; This program defines coding-system described in JIS X 0213 standard.
-(require 'cl)
+(eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
 (require 'x0213-cdef)
--- Mule-UCS-0.84/lisp/un-define.el~	2001-03-06 22:41:38.000000000 +0000
+++ Mule-UCS-0.84/lisp/un-define.el	2002-04-07 22:59:15.166528639 +0000
@@ -610,13 +610,21 @@
   (lambda (x)
-    (mapcar
-     (lambda (y)
-       (mucs-define-coding-system
-	(nth 0 y) (nth 1 y) (nth 2 y)
-	(nth 3 y) (nth 4 y) (nth 5 y) (nth 6 y))
-       (coding-system-put (car y) 'alias-coding-systems (list (car x))))
-     (cdr x)))
+    (if (fboundp 'register-char-codings)
+	;; Mule 5, where we don't need the eol-type specified and
+	;; register-char-codings may be very slow for these coding
+	;; system definitions.
+	(let ((y (cadr x)))
+	  (mucs-define-coding-system
+	   (car x) (nth 1 y) (nth 2 y)
+	   (nth 3 y) (nth 4 y) (nth 5 y)))
+      (mapcar
+       (lambda (y)
+	 (mucs-define-coding-system
+	  (nth 0 y) (nth 1 y) (nth 2 y)
+	  (nth 3 y) (nth 4 y) (nth 5 y) (nth 6 y))
+	 (coding-system-put (car y) 'alias-coding-systems (list (car x))))
+       (cdr x))))
       ?u "UTF-8 coding system"
And you need to put the following line in your .emacs file:

(require 'un-define)

It takes a moment.

> BTW, emacs-w3m is absolutely great software!

Thank you,
Katsumi Yamaoka <yamaoka@jpl.org>