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Re: Quicksearch support in Emacs-w3m

>>>>> In [emacs-w3m : No.04263]
>>>>>	Romain FRANCOISE <romain@orebokech.com> wrote:

> Please keep me posted about the discussion since I can't follow it in
> Japanese. :)

> domo arigato (sorry, can't input Japanese characters),

TSUCHYA-san said that there's no problem if the Quicksearch
feature is performed only when the command `w3m-goto-url' is
called interactively.  However, he also said it may be
undesirable that the feature is utilized even if `w3m-goto-url'
is used as a backend function.

I have a vague idea that the trouble can be dissolved if the
feature is enabled for an interactive call and a bookmark page.
Since I (and also TSUCHIYA-san) have no time to read a code for
a while, so far I don't know whether it is possible or not.

Anyway, I want to realize that feature. :)
Katsumi Yamaoka <yamaoka@jpl.org>