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Re: Problem loggin into playstation2-linux.com


Katsumi Yamaoka writes:
 > I've tried to register myself to playstation2-linux.com.  It was
 > successful by the w3m barefoot, but both registration and
 > logging in to https://playstation2-linux.com/ weren't achieved
 > by emacs-w3m.  Unfortunately, I'm not knowledgeable about secure
 > communications.  Leaders, is there any requirement other than
 > `(setq w3m-use-cookies t)'?  Or, does emacs-w3m need to be
 > improved much more?

The problem does not seem to be with cookies.  When I try to log in,
the message I get is something like:

Cannot retrieve url https://playstation2-linux.com/my/ ... exit status

But when I try to load https://playstation2-linux.com/my/ manually
(with U), it works, and I'm logged in!

Before figuring this out, I randomly fiddled with cookie variables
until it worked, though I don't know if it actually helped.

 > (In Japanese: $B$h$/$o$+$C$F$$$J$$$N$G$9$,!"2?$,I,MW$J$s$G$9$+(B?)

I don't know what the above line is, so I left it in.
