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Re: Problem loggin into playstation2-linux.com

>>>>> In [emacs-w3m : No.04866]
>>>>>	myrkraverk@users.sourceforge.net wrote:

>> (In Japanese: よくわかっていないのですが、何が必要なんですか?)

> I don't know what the above line is, so I left it in.

Sorry, I asked to Japanese core developers how do I get
desirable result.

> The problem does not seem to be with cookies.  When I try to log in,
> the message I get is something like:

> Cannot retrieve url https://playstation2-linux.com/my/ ... exit status
> 0

> But when I try to load https://playstation2-linux.com/my/ manually
> (with U), it works, and I'm logged in!

> Before figuring this out, I randomly fiddled with cookie variables
> until it worked, though I don't know if it actually helped.

Hm, I still got an error.  I need to analyze by myself how
emacs-w3m and w3m work...
Katsumi Yamaoka <yamaoka@jpl.org>