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small fix

[GNUemacs21, w3m.el 1.795]


I've just started using emacs-w3m, and I'm impressed by the great
work. And I haven't even started looking at antenna or shimbun, or at
integrating it in gnus, yet.

However I have found a small problem when displaying images.
When the http content-type has the q parameter ("image/png; q=0.8"),
w3m-image-type doesn't match it against "image/png" and so doesn't
display the image. A fix is apparently easy, trim the string:

(defun w3m-image-type (content-type)
  "Return image type which corresponds to CONTENT-TYPE."
  (cdr (assoc (car (split-string content-type ";")) w3m-image-type-alist))

It seems to do the trick for me.

