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Re: Shimbun Basics

>> On Wed, 11 Jun 2003 20:28:00 +0900
>> minakaji@namazu.org (NAKAJIMA Mikio) said as follows:

>I don't deny shimbun library could handle RSS contents by a gateway
>program (provisionally `sb-rss.el' you said).  It is true absolutely.
>I meant we might not be able to unify RSS and shimbun for their
>further developments.  Since their approaches are very difficult, one
>is making a XML file in the format and one is processing a HTML as an
>author likes.

I know, I know.

What I said in [emacs-w3m:05100] meant that we can develop a backend
that retrieve headers based on RSS for sites providing RSS.  I named a
base class of such backends `sb-rss.el'.  It will provide only
`shimbun-get-headers' method based on RSS.

I do not argue that we can reconstruct all Shimbun backends in
RSS-based approach, and agree your analysis about difference between
requirement of Shimbun and one of RSS.

TSUCHIYA Masatoshi