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Re: command-line-args


I've fixed the problem that the w3m command couldn't be invoked
from the command line as before.  Here's a new function used to
examine the command line arguments:

(defun w3m-examine-command-line-args ()
  "Return a url string if it seems that the `w3m' command is invoked from
the command line like: ``emacs -f w3m'' or ``emacs -f w3m url''."
  (let ((url (car command-line-args-left))
	args num)
    (if url
	(if (and (setq args (memq url command-line-args))
		 (>= (setq num (- (length command-line-args) (length args) 1))
		 (equal (nth num command-line-args) "w3m")
		 (equal (nth (1- num) command-line-args) "-f"))
	      (setq command-line-args-left (cdr command-line-args-left))
	      (setcdr (nthcdr (- num 2) command-line-args)
		      (nthcdr (+ num 2) command-line-args)))
	  (set url nil))
      (if (and (setq args (member "w3m" command-line-args))
		(nth (setq num (- (length command-line-args) (length args) 1))
	    (setq url (or w3m-home-page "about:"))
	    (setcdr (nthcdr (1- num) command-line-args)
		    (nthcdr (+ num 2) command-line-args)))))

And I've also modified the w3m command like follows:

(defun w3m (&optional url new-session interactive-p)
   (let ((url (w3m-examine-command-line-args)))
      ;; url
      (or url (read-string "URL: "))
      ;; new-session
      ;; interactive-p
      (not url))))

Where the `interactive-p' flag is a replacement of the
interactive-p function.  It is used in the w3m function in
order to know whether the command is called interactively.

Katsumi Yamaoka <yamaoka@jpl.org>