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Re: coding system config


ari@mbf.ocn.ne.jp (ARISAWA Akihiro) writes:

> In your example:
> | % w3mmee -dump=extra http://proquest.safaribooksonline.com/0130935387
> | W3M-Current-URL: http://proquest.safaribooksonline.com/?XmlId=0-13-093538-7
> | W3M-Document-Charset: shift_jis
>                         ^^^^^^^^^

hmmm... if i do that, i get:

~ $ w3mmee -dump=extra http://proquest.safaribooksonline.com/0130935387
Received cookie: AlteonP=3f2f247752f19ba6
Received cookie: Site=UICode=&Portal=proquest&GUID=6C20A8D8%2D8AE6%2D4173%2D9D%2DEF%2DB3%2D6B%2D9C%2D51%2D43%2D7D
Received cookie: JV=Key=&SavePwd=
W3M-Current-URL: http://proquest.safaribooksonline.com/?XmlId=0-13-093538-7
W3M-Document-Charset: iso-8859-1
~ $                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^

> w3mmee can change candidates of coding-system for autodetection.
> How about following setting.
> (setq w3m-dump-head-source-command-arguments
>       '("-dump=extra,head,source" "-o" "mylang=iso"))

i still see a kanji in the above page. as a matter of fact, if i look
at the source, the offending character is \227 (which should be
displayed as a long dash). i've tried to put in my .emacs

(standard-display-ascii ?\227 "--")

without luck.

thanks for your help,

> Regards,
> ARISAWA Akihiro

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