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Re: nnshimbun problem with nytimes.com


>>>>> In [emacs-w3m : No.05926]
>>>>>	Boris Schaefer <boris@uncommon-sense.net> wrote:

> Thank you, it works now.  But I have one other small problem with it.
> I don't really understand when articles are marked read and when not.
> Sometimes I read an article, then I leave the summary buffer, then I
> press 'g' to check for new news and I get the same article again
> marked as 'unread' in the nytimes group.  If I enter the nytimes group
> with 'C-u', I get the same article twice, or sometimes even more
> (depending on how many times I have read it).

I looked at the ~/News/shimbun/nytimes/nytimes/columns/.overview
file and found several problems ("~/News/" is specified by the
gnus-directory variable).

1. There are no proper Message-IDs.
  Shimbun compares those saved IDs and IDs of retrieved articles
  in order to know which articles are new.  So, they have to be
  unique each other.

2. The date form is not good.
  You can use the shimbun-make-date-string function for it.

3. There are no authors' mail addresses.
  It may not be a problem in Gnus, but some MUAs may require
  that they are in the proper format like normal mails.

I think to look at other sb-* modules is helpful.  For instance:
sb-cnet.el, sb-asahi.el, etc.

Anyway, please enjoy creating shimbun modules. :)
Katsumi Yamaoka <yamaoka@jpl.org>