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Re: emacs-w3m not rendering webpages

>>>>> In [emacs-w3m : No.06364] Katsumi Yamaoka wrote:

> I need other developers' help!  I tried to build w3mmee-p24-19
> for LANG=EN under RHL9, however...

I built it under the Solaris machine, and test it with
emacs-w3m 1.3.80 and Emacs 21.3:

emacs-21.3 -q

(setq w3m-command "w3mmee")
(setq w3m-language nil)
(load "w3m")
(w3m "about:")

Then, it only shows a help message of w3mmee as follows:

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
Location: about:
w3m version w3m/0.3.2+mee-p24-19, options lang=en,image,color,ansi-color,mouse,menu,cookie,ssl,ssl-verify,w3mmailer,nntp,gopher,mark,romaji
usage: w3m [options] [URL or filename]
    -t tab           set tab width
    -r               ignore backspace effect
    -l line          # of preserved line (default 10000)
    -B               load bookmark
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

Although I didn't make a thorough investigation, we should
declare that emacs-w3m no longer supports w3mmee, probably.

In Japanese:
Emacs-w3m はもはや w3mmee をサポートしない、と宣言するべきでは?
Katsumi Yamaoka <yamaoka@jpl.org>