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Any treat-dumbquotes for eight-bit-controls?

I have been using w3m-n17n since 2002; occasionally I also use
Emacs-w3m, but less frequently than I'd like to.

The main problem is in the eight-bit-controls, the code interval
0x80..0x9F which is used in the MS Windows codepages.  The utf-8
console version of w3m renders them quite well, but they remain a
problem within emacs.  gnus-article-treat-dumbquotes somehow solves
this in gnus:

(setq gnus-article-dumbquotes-map
  '(("\200" "Û")
    ("\202" ",")
    ("\203" "f")
    ("\204" "ã")
    ("\205" "...")
    ("\213" "<")
    ("\214" "Î")
    ("\221" "Ô")
    ("\222" "Õ")
    ("\223" "Ò")
    ("\224" "Ó")
    ("\225" "*")
    ("\226" "-")
    ("\227" "--")
    ("\231" "ª")
    ("\233" ">")
    ("\234" "Ï")
    ("\264" "'")))

but I do not know how to deal with them in Emacs-w3m.

I use utf-8 as my normal encoding, with the encatations learned from 
the Message-Id: <20020719.182000.123583285.shirai@rdmg.mgcs.mei.co.jp>:

| (setq w3m-output-coding-system 'utf-8
|       w3m-halfdump-command-arguments
|       '("-halfdump" "-o" "ext_halfdump=1" "-o" "strict_iso2022=0"
| 	(if charset "-I") charset "-O" "UTF-8")))

Basically it works for me, with 2 exceptions: the eight-bit-controls
I've mentioned above, and the bookmark list which I'd like to keep in
utf-8 (as this is done from outside Emacs), but which is spoiled if I
try to add an item from within Emacs-w3m (the new entry is added in
some unreadable encoding).

I use emacs 21.3.2, w3m/0.4.1-m17n-20030308, emacs-w3m 1.3.6.
