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w3m-type-ahead.el --- type ahead support for w3m-mode.

This can be used to add type-ahead functionality (as seen, for
example, in Mozilla and related browsers) to w3m-mode. After loading
w3m and w3m-type-ahead, it can be switched on as a minor mode in
w3m-mode buffers using:

         (add-hook 'w3m-mode-hook 'w3m-type-ahead-minor-mode)

By default, this binds / to w3m-type-ahead and M-/ to
w3m-type-ahead-new-session. With these, incremental searching limited
to the text associated with links can be done. Use a prefix argument
to perform regular expression searches.

Latest version available at:

Attachment: w3m-type-ahead.el
Description: Type ahead support for w3m-mode.