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Re: emacs-w3m: problems with text-cursor in buffer

>>>>> In [emacs-w3m : No.07262] Christian Ruediger Bahls wrote:

> [2004-12-14 15:17] Katsumi Yamaoka <yamaoka@jpl.org> wrote:

>> Emacs-w3m doesn't modify the cursor color as far as I know.

Sorry, I was wrong.  Emacs-w3m surely changes the cursor color.
It is intended to update the appearance of the header line by a
side effect.  We've been believing it is harmless because the
color which is set to the cursor is the same as the cursor color
itself.  However, I noticed we are unable to know the color if a
user hasn't set the cursor color intentionally.  It is always
black, whatever the color of the default face may be.

> i have this problem with both: current stable release and emacs from cvs
> using the released emacs-w3m or cvs HEAD makes no difference either

> my 
> (custom-set-variables


> my ( left some faces in there(esp. custom-* .. so that it is usable))
> (custom-set-faces

Thanks.  I tried them and understood what is your problem.
However, so far I don't know how emacs-w3m should be fixed.  We
emacs-w3m team need to discuss this problem.

But it's easy for you to solve it by yourself.  The workaround
is to put the following line in your ~/.emacs file.

(set-cursor-color "goldenrod")

Anyway, I'll send a mail to you when the problem is solved in
