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Re: html images still not viewed in gnus

Katsumi Yamaoka wrote:

> advertising mail sometimes has what is not correctly made.
> If the following images are displayed, you don't have to worry.
> A gif image embedded in this message tagged with <img src="cid:0004";>:
> [...]
> A jpeg image embedded in this message tagged with <img src="cid:0005";>:
> [...]
> The following two images should not be displayed if you have not
> modified the value of the `mm-w3m-safe-url-regexp' variable.
> But if it is nil, they will be displayed.
> A gif image tagged with <img src="http://www.jpl.org/image/gif.gif";>:
> [...]
> A jpeg image tagged with <img src="http://www.jpl.org/image/jpeg.jpg";>:
> [...]
> Try the `T' command and the `C-u T' command in this buffer.  How
> about them?

I can see straight away the first two images; I can also see the second two
*if* gnus was opened during connection, without doing `T' or `C-u T',
whereas I can't see them if gnus is opened off connection even if I do
`T' or `C-u T'. (In my .gnus.el the `mm-w3m-safe-url-regexp' variable 
is set to 'nil'.)
I've done a certain nuber of tests now, and comparing my gnus
with MS Outlook I can say:

1) some html images are viewed as well in Outlook as in Gnus;
2) some appear within gnus without background colour;
3) some appear "broken into pieces" within gnus;
4) some don't appear at all within gnus, and in their place there is:
   '[cid]' and remains so even if I do 't', 'T' or 'C-u T'.

Do you guys from emacs-w3m mailing list think we can be content with this?

I'll be sending Katsumi types 1), 2) 3) and 4).

Thanks indeed,