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Re: variable is void: w3m-euc-japan-decoder

>>>>> In [emacs-w3m : No.08253] Guido Van Hoecke wrote:

> When I'm running emacs-w3m-version "1.4.4" on "XEmacs 21.5  (beta21) \"corn\"
> (+CVS-20050705) [Lucid] (i586-pc-win32, Mule) of Wed Jul 06 2005 on
> WODAN", I get following error message:
> Symbol's value as variable is void: w3m-euc-japan-decoder

No problem here.  I tested it with emacs-w3m-version "1.4.4" on
"XEmacs 21.5  (beta21) \"corn\" (+CVS-20050706) [Lucid]
(i686-pc-linux, Mule) of Thu Jul  7 2005 on pastis".  Even if I
compiled emacs-w3m using the XEmacs APEL package (which is not
recommended to use for emacs-w3m) rather than the authors
version, I didn't see such an error, either.

> Stack trace:
> Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-variable w3m-euc-japan-decoder)
>   load("w3m-ccl" nil require nil)
>   load("w3m-xmas" nil require nil)
>   load("w3m" nil nil nil)

> The package has been installed under XEmacs-21-4-13 in the site-lisp
> directory.

> It works fine from "XEmacs 21.4 (patch 17) \"Jumbo
> Shrimp\" [Lucid] (i586-pc-win32) of Tue Jul 05 2005 on WODAN"

> Is there anything I can do to fix this?

Though I don't know whether the bytecode is compatible between
those XEmacs versions, it might be worth trying the compilation
of emacs-w3m using XEmacs 21.5.  Actually, I'm not allowing
XEmacs of different versions to share the single emacs-w3m
installation.  Otherwise, it might be due to the XEmacs on
Windows.  Unfortunately, there's no XEmacs on Windows user among
the emacs-w3m developers.