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Re: C-c C-c in textarea buffer does nothing

Katsumi Yamaoka wrote:
> What are the real commands those keys are bound to?  To know
> them, type `C-h c C-c C-c' and `C-h c C-c C-k' in the textarea.
> They should be `w3m-form-input-textarea-set' and
> `w3m-form-input-textarea-exit' respectively.

Thanks. They were both undefined, and I subsequently found out that it
was because of viper (a plugin that makes vi's keybindings
available). It must be a viper problem; I'll ask the viper guys.

> > (In contrast, C-c C-c
> > when renaming files in dired works as expected.)
> How can I do that?  As far as I know, dired don't provide no
> such key by default.

You press r in dired, then you go around editing the filenames, then
C-c C-c to exit rename mode and apply changes.

Antonios Christofides