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Re: Tiny sb-the-register.el patch

>>>>> In [emacs-w3m : No.08811] David Hansen wrote:

> Wouldn't harm but with a shimbun I could imagine that a lot
> of users wouldn't consider it as a bug if an ad or some
> small annoying images aren't filtered.  But these things
> appear quite often and are usually trivial to fix.

> I thought of a note at the beginning of the shimbun chapter
> in the emacs-w3m manual that encourages users to report
> articles that "somehow don't look perfect".

> How about:

Thanks.  I've installed it.

> "The shimbun module has the goal to generate articles that
> are as readable as normal mail or news posting.  This goal
> is often difficult to achieve as web sites change the html
> of their articles.

> If you notice (even small) annoyances like nonsense images
> within the text or any other text that is not related to the
> article please report them using `report-emacs-w3m-bug'."

Here's a (free) Japanese translation:

すべての shimbun モジュールは、普通のメールやニュースのように読
ウェブサイトがそれらの記事の html をしばしば変更するので、その度

ついたら、(たとえ些細なものでも) `report-emacs-w3m-bug' を使って