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Re: terminating form input by `C-c C-c'


I'm sorry I don't know what Mr. 白井, 山岡, and 青田 are talking about
because 本人僅懂中文,不懂日文 (only understand Chinese (and
English) not Japanese.)

However I have recently become worried that along with my advancing
age, my fingers will hold down the keys too long, and I will type four
C-c's, submitting a form, instead of first typing two C-c's, then
after I'm sure all is well, two more.

That's why for message mode, I use
(defun jidanni-message-confirm ()
  "Confirm that we really want to send the message."
  (interactive)(or (y-or-n-p "Send?")(keyboard-quit)))
(add-hook 'message-send-hook 'jidanni-message-confirm)

I suppose for emacs-w3m I should merely remove the
"C-c C-c runs the command w3m-submit-form"
keybinding, leaving only the submission button. OK, done:
(dolist (modemap (list w3m-mode-map w3m-minor-mode-map))
  (define-key modemap "\C-c" nil);else too dangerous
OK. Problem solved.