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Re: emacs-w3m associating filenames anywhere it pleases

jidanni@xxxxxxxxxxx writes:

> We discover emacs-w3m associates a filename, here ~/MediaWiki:
>  MR Name                    Size Mode             Filename/Process
>  -- ----                    ---- ----             ----------------
> [ Default ]
>  *  *mail*                   252 Message          ~/News/drafts/drafts/1
>   % *BBDB*                   118 BBDB
>   % *Group*                 2202 Group
>   % MediaWiki *w3m*         4343 w3m              ~/MediaWiki
> (Seen with
> C-x C-b runs the command ibuffer-and-update-other-window, which is an
> interactive compiled Lisp function in `emacs-goodies-loaddefs.el'.
> Similar filenames are seen with vanilla
> C-x C-b runs the command list-buffers)
> I feel uncomfortable with emacs-w3m associating filenames like that in
> whereever the current directory happens to be. At least it could do it
> in ~/.w3m if indeed it really needs to do so at all (does it plan to
> write something?)
> One time it even tried to do it with a name that wasn't compatible with
> VFAT, where I happened to be cd'd to, and I got a warning...
> $ apt-cache policy w3m-el-snapshot emacs-snapshot-el|grep Inst
>   Installed: 1.4.344+0.20090405-1
>   Installed: 1:20090618-1

I don't know your ibuffer-and-update-other-window, but I believe
emacs-w3m doesn't associate filename. Evaluating both (buffer-file-name)
and buffer-file-name returns nil. Yes, emacs-w3m sets page title to
`list-buffers-directory', but this variable doesn't mean filename.
