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facebook messages in gnus

Here's what the HTML part of a facebook message looks like if I save it
to a file and browse it:
|                                                                                                                     |
|     +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+                        |
|     |facebook                                                                            | |                        |
|     |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|                        |
|     |+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+|                        |
|     ||幸蒨 sent you a message.                                                            ||                        |
|     ||+----------------------------------+                                                ||                        |
|     |||----------------------------------|                                                ||                        |
|     |||蔡幸蒨|蔡幸蒨2010年10月21日 13:18 |                                                ||                        |
|     |||      |Re: Please confirm CS mail |                                                ||                        |
|     |||      |是的~~                     |                                                ||                        |
|     |||----------------------------------|                                                ||                        |
|     ||+----------------------------------+                                                ||                        |
|     |+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+|                        |
|     |                                                                                      |                        |

That is nice. What is bad is how it looks in gnus:

1.  ( ) text/plain          (*) text/html


||facebook                                                                                                                              |||
||+------------------------------------------------------------------+                                                                  |||
|||                                                                  |                                                                  |||
|||幸蒨sent you a message.                                           |                                                                  |||
|||                                                                  |                                                                  |||
|||+------+----------------------------+                             |                                                                  |||
||||      |                            |                             |                                                                  |||
|||+------+----------------------------+                             |                                                                  |||
||||蔡幸蒨|蔡幸蒨2010年10月21日        |                             |                                                                  |||
||||   |13:18Re: Please confirm CS  |                                |                                                                  |||
||||   |mail是的~~                  |                                |                                                                  |||
|||+------+----------------------------+                             |                                                                  |||
||||      |                            |                             |                                                                  |||
|||+------+----------------------------+                             |                                                                  |||
|||蔡幸蒨                                                            |                                                                  |||
||+------------------------------------------------------------------+                                                                  |||
||蔡幸蒨                                                                                                                                |||
||                                                                                                                                      |||
All messed up, at least on my terminal.

And here is what it looks line in emacs -nw, which is how it looks to
me, even though I don't use -nw:

1.  ( ) text/plain          (*) text/html


||facebook                                                                                                    $
||+------------------------------------------------------------------+                                        $
|||                                                                  |                                        $
|||幸蒨sent you a message.                                           |                                        $
|||                                                                  |                                        $
|||+------+----------------------------+                             |                                        $
||||      |                            |                             |                                        $
|||+------+----------------------------+                             |                                        $
||||蔡幸蒨|蔡幸蒨2010年10月21日        |                             |                                        $
||||   |13:18Re: Please confirm CS  |                                |                                        $
||||   |mail是的~~                  |                                |                                        $
|||+------+----------------------------+                             |                                        $
||||      |                            |                             |                                        $
|||+------+----------------------------+                             |

My configuration is on http://jidanni.org/comp/configuration/
I use emacs-snapshot: 1:20101016-1 on Debian.