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Re: [PATCH] w3m-lnum add highlight

I've done another set of changes/enhancements to w3m-lnum.el

Revisiting what Conkeror/Vimperator do, I added I-search like
functionality against numbered elements.  Namely, entering letters
filters them.  Also <ctrl>+<number> adds numbers to the filtering string
as well as <ctrl>+<space> adds spaces.  All these at the cost of
`w3m-read-int-interactive' losing its generality.  Whatever :)

About filtering...  It's a shame that the input method can't be changed
within Emacs during selection (at least I haven't thought it out yet).
However, for apps outside Emacs you normally have some global keystroke
to change keyboard layout and it suffices for me at the moment.

First numbered element becomes initial choice when possible.  Entering 0
may shortcut selection when logical.  Thus reducing the number of
keystrokes needed to select meaningful items.

Numbering is now done only within window's visible area.  Nothing
prevents from using the whole buffer but it may be way slower and having
to enter more digits in some cases.

`w3m-linknum-follow' now allows toggling instead of visiting image links
with `-' prefix.  With double/triple prefix it allows editing selected
url before vising.  The swiss-army knife.

I've only tested with GNU/Emacs 23/24.  I'm not sure how portable is the
<ctrl>+<blah> part with its key codes.  I looked at some XEmacs docs for
the same part but haven't really tested.

Here's the ChangeLog and the diff after that.  I've also sort of
promoted myself to the authors section, hope it's not too cheeky.


2010-12-26  Andrey Kotlarski  <m00naticus@xxxxxxxxx>

	* w3m-lnum.el: Updated comments section.
	(w3m-link-numbering-mode-hook, w3m-link-numbering-mode-map):
	Updated doc string.
	(w3m-link-set-overlay): No more need for save-excursion.
	(w3m-replace-regexps-in-string, w3m-linknum-prompt-str): New
	(w3m-link-set-numbering): Refactored, does filtering as well.
	Does numbering only within the visible window part.
	(w3m-goto-next-link, w3m-goto-next-image2): New functions.
	(w3m-goto-next-anchor-or-image): Take optional argument for
	position.  No need to use goto-char.
	(w3m-link-numbering): Take additional argument for filtering
	string.  Use `w3m-goto-next-link', `w3m-goto-next-image2'.  No
	more need for `save-excursion'.
	(w3m-read-int-interactive): I-search functionality added.  Offer
	to select firstly numbered option when possible.
	(w3m-with-linknum): Put the call to `w3m-link-numbering' inside
	the `unwind-protect'.
	(w3m-highlight-numbered-anchor): Highlight only within the visible
	window part.  Return text for the form fields or buttons as well.
	(w3m-get-anchor-info): Operate only within the visible window
	(w3m-go-to-linknum, w3m-linknum-get-action): Updated for the
	changed `w3m-link-numbering' argument codes.
	(w3m-linknum-follow): According to prefix arguments may toggle
	instead of visit image links.  Also options to edit link before

diff -u w3m-lnum-cvs.el w3m-lnum.el
--- w3m-lnum-cvs.el	2010-10-02 11:08:21.756000006 +0300
+++ w3m-lnum.el		2010-12-24 12:46:24.132000412 +0200
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 ;; TSUCHIYA Masatoshi <tsuchiya@xxxxxxxxxx>
 ;; Authors: TSUCHIYA Masatoshi <tsuchiya@xxxxxxxxxx>
-;; Modified by Andrey Kotlarski <m00naticus@xxxxxxxxx>
+;;          Andrey Kotlarski <m00naticus@xxxxxxxxx>
 ;; Keywords: w3m, WWW, hypermedia
 ;; This file is a part of emacs-w3m.
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@
 ;; using link numbers.  Mostly point operations are extended beyond
 ;; current point but there are also new features like
 ;; `w3m-go-to-linknum' for quickly navigating to links, form fields
-;; or buttons and `w3m-linknum-follow' for visiting links, activating
-;; form fields or pushing buttons.
+;; images or buttons and `w3m-linknum-follow' for visiting links,
+;; activating form fields, toggling images or pushing buttons.
 ;;; Usage:
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
   :group 'w3m-face)
 (defcustom w3m-link-numbering-mode-hook nil
-  "*Hook run after `w3m-link-numbering-mode' initialization."
+  "*Hook run after command `w3m-link-numbering-mode' initialization."
   :group 'w3m
   :type 'hook)
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@
 	   (nreverse res)))))
 (defvar w3m-link-numbering-mode-map nil
-  "Keymap used when `w3m-link-numbering-mode' is active.")
+  "Keymap used when command `w3m-link-numbering-mode' is active.")
 (unless w3m-link-numbering-mode-map
   (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
     (define-key map "f" 'w3m-linknum-follow)
@@ -167,178 +167,272 @@
 (defmacro w3m-link-set-overlay (pos index)
   "Set numbering overlay at POS with INDEX."
-  `(let ((overlay (make-overlay ,pos (1+ ,pos)))
-	 (num (format "[%d]" (incf ,index))))
-     (overlay-put overlay 'before-string num)
-     (w3m-static-if (featurep 'xemacs)
-	 (set-glyph-face (extent-begin-glyph overlay)
-			 'w3m-link-numbering)
-       (w3m-add-face-property 0 (length num)
-			      'w3m-link-numbering num)
-       (overlay-put overlay 'evaporate t))
+  `(let ((overlay (make-overlay ,pos (1+ ,pos))))
+     (let ((num (format "[%d]" (incf ,index))))
+       (overlay-put overlay 'before-string num)
+       (w3m-static-if (featurep 'xemacs)
+	   (set-glyph-face (extent-begin-glyph overlay)
+			   'w3m-link-numbering)
+	 (w3m-add-face-property 0 (length num)
+				'w3m-link-numbering num)
+	 (overlay-put overlay 'evaporate t)))
      (overlay-put overlay 'w3m-link-numbering-overlay ,index)
-     (let ((hseq (get-char-property ,pos 'w3m-anchor-sequence)))
+     (let ((hseq (get-char-property ,pos 'w3m-anchor-sequence))
+	   (pos2 ,pos))
        (if hseq				; multiline anchors
-	   (save-excursion
-	     (setq ,pos (next-single-property-change
-			 ,pos 'w3m-anchor-sequence))
-	     (when ,pos
-	       (goto-char ,pos)
-	       (let ((pmax (point-max)))
-		 (while (setq ,pos (text-property-any
-				    ,pos pmax
-				    'w3m-anchor-sequence hseq))
-		   (setq overlay (make-overlay ,pos (1+ ,pos)))
-		   (overlay-put overlay 'w3m-link-numbering-overlay
-				,index)
-		   (setq ,pos (next-single-property-change
-			       ,pos 'w3m-anchor-sequence))
-		   (if ,pos (goto-char ,pos))))))))))
+	   (let ((pmax (window-end)))
+	     (while (and (setq pos2 (next-single-property-change
+				     pos2 'w3m-anchor-sequence))
+			 (setq pos2 (text-property-any
+				     pos2 pmax
+				     'w3m-anchor-sequence hseq)))
+	       (setq overlay (make-overlay pos2 (1+ pos2)))
+	       (overlay-put overlay 'w3m-link-numbering-overlay
+			    ,index)))))))
+(defmacro w3m-replace-regexps-in-string (string &rest regexps)
+  "In STRING replace an alist of REGEXPS."
+  (if (cadr regexps)
+      `(replace-regexp-in-string
+	,(car regexps) ,(cadr regexps)
+	(w3m-replace-regexps-in-string ,string ,@(cddr regexps)))
+    string))
-(defun w3m-link-set-numbering (&optional next-func links index)
+(defun w3m-link-set-numbering (&optional next-func reg)
   "Make overlays that display link numbers.  Return last used index.
 NEXT-FUNC is function to iterate numbered elements, if not given,
-use `w3m-goto-next-anchor'.  If LINKS enumerate only links.
-INDEX is initial number to start from, if not given, start from 0.
-Return index of last enumerated element."
-  (goto-char (point-min))
-  (let ((i (or index 0))
-	(next (or next-func 'w3m-goto-next-anchor))
-	pos)
-    (if links
-	(if (zerop i)
-	    (while (setq pos (funcall next))
-	      (if (get-char-property pos 'w3m-href-anchor)
-		  (w3m-link-set-overlay pos i)))
-	  (while (setq pos (funcall next))
-	    (and (not (get-char-property
-		       pos 'w3m-link-numbering-overlay))
-		 (get-char-property pos 'w3m-href-anchor)
-		 (w3m-link-set-overlay pos i))))
-      (if (zerop i)
-	  (while (setq pos (funcall next))
-	    (w3m-link-set-overlay pos i))
-	(while (setq pos (funcall next))
-	  (or (get-char-property pos 'w3m-link-numbering-overlay)
-	      (w3m-link-set-overlay pos i)))))
-    i))
-(defun w3m-goto-next-anchor-or-image ()
-  "Move point to next anchor or image and return new point position."
-  (let ((pos (point)))
-    (cond				; currently on anchor or image
-     ((w3m-anchor-sequence pos)
-      (setq pos (next-single-property-change pos
-					     'w3m-anchor-sequence))
-      (if pos (goto-char pos)))
-     ((w3m-image pos)
-      (setq pos (next-single-property-change pos 'w3m-image))
-      (if pos (goto-char pos))))
-    (or (w3m-anchor-sequence pos)
-	(w3m-image pos)
-	(let ((image-pos (next-single-property-change pos
-						      'w3m-image)))
-	  (setq pos (next-single-property-change
-		     pos 'w3m-anchor-sequence))
-	  (and image-pos (or (not pos)
-			     (> pos image-pos))
-	       (setq pos image-pos))))
-    (when pos
-      (goto-char pos)
+use `w3m-goto-next-anchor-or-image'.  REG is filter string for anchor text."
+  (setq reg
+	(if reg
+	    (w3m-replace-regexps-in-string ; escape special characters
+	     reg "\\?" "\\\\?" "\\!" "\\\\!" "\\[" "\\\\["
+	     "\\*" "\\\\*" "\\+" "\\\\+" "\\." "\\\\." "\\^" "\\\\^"
+	     "\\$" "\\\\$")
+	  "")
+	next-func (or next-func 'w3m-goto-next-anchor-or-image))
+  (let ((i 0)
+	(pos (window-start))
+	(pmax (window-end)))
+    (dolist (overlay (overlays-in pos pmax))
+      (if (overlay-get overlay 'w3m-link-numbering-overlay)
+	  (delete-overlay overlay)))
+    (while (and (setq pos (funcall next-func pos))
+		(< pos pmax))
+      (let ((str ""))
+	(let ((hseq (get-char-property pos 'w3m-anchor-sequence)))
+	  (if hseq			; multiline anchors
+	      (let ((pos2 (next-single-property-change
+			   pos 'w3m-anchor-sequence)))
+		(while (and pos2
+			    (setq pos2 (text-property-any
+					pos2 pmax
+					'w3m-anchor-sequence hseq)))
+		  (let ((pos3 pos2))
+		    (if (setq pos2 (next-single-property-change
+				    pos2 'w3m-anchor-sequence))
+			(setq str
+			      (concat str
+				      (buffer-substring-no-properties
+				       pos3 pos2)))))))))
+	(if (string-match-p reg
+			    (concat
+			     (buffer-substring-no-properties
+			      pos
+			      (next-single-property-change
+			       pos
+			       (cond ((w3m-anchor-sequence pos)
+				      'w3m-anchor-sequence)
+				     ((w3m-image pos) 'w3m-image))))
+			     str))
+	    (w3m-link-set-overlay pos i))))))
+(defun w3m-goto-next-link (&optional pos)
+  "Return position of next link starting from POS or point."
+  (setq pos (or pos (point)))
+  (if (get-char-property pos 'w3m-href-anchor) ; currently over link
+      (setq pos (next-single-property-change pos 'w3m-href-anchor)))
+  (if (or (get-char-property pos 'w3m-href-anchor)
+	  (setq pos (next-single-property-change pos
+						 'w3m-href-anchor)))
+      pos))
+(defun w3m-goto-next-image2 (&optional pos)
+  "Return position of next image starting from POS or point.."
+  (setq pos (or pos (point)))
+  (if (get-char-property pos 'w3m-image) ; currently over image
+      (setq pos (next-single-property-change pos 'w3m-image)))
+  (if (or (get-char-property pos 'w3m-image)
+	  (setq pos (next-single-property-change pos 'w3m-image)))
+      pos))
+(defun w3m-goto-next-anchor-or-image (&optional pos)
+  "Return position of next anchor or image starting from POS or point."
+  (setq pos (or pos (point)))
+  (cond				; currently on anchor or image
+   ((w3m-anchor-sequence pos)
+    (setq pos (next-single-property-change pos
+					   'w3m-anchor-sequence)))
+   ((w3m-image pos)
+    (setq pos (next-single-property-change pos 'w3m-image))))
+  (or (w3m-anchor-sequence pos)
+      (w3m-image pos)
+      (let ((image-pos (next-single-property-change pos
+						    'w3m-image)))
+	(setq pos (next-single-property-change
+		   pos 'w3m-anchor-sequence))
+	(and image-pos (or (not pos) (> pos image-pos))
+	     (setq pos image-pos))))
+  (if pos
       (let ((hseq (w3m-anchor-sequence pos)))
 	(if (and hseq (text-property-any ; multiline anchors
 		       (point-min) pos 'w3m-anchor-sequence hseq))
-	    (w3m-goto-next-anchor-or-image)
-	  pos)))))
+	    (w3m-goto-next-anchor-or-image pos)
+	  pos))))
-(defun w3m-link-numbering (arg)
+(defun w3m-link-numbering (arg &optional str)
   "Make overlays that display link numbers.
 With ARG 0 clear numbering overlay.  With ARG 1 index only links.
-With ARG 2 index only images.  With ARG 3 index form fields and
-buttons along links.  With ARG 4 index all anchors."
+With ARG 2 index only images.  Otherwise index all anchors.
+STR is filter string for anchor text."
   (if (zerop arg) (w3m-linknum-remove-overlays)
-    (save-excursion
-      (cond
-       ((= arg 1) (w3m-link-set-numbering nil t))
-       ((= arg 2)
-	(w3m-link-set-numbering (lambda () (if (w3m-goto-next-image)
-					  (point)))))
-       ((= arg 4)
-	(w3m-link-set-numbering 'w3m-goto-next-anchor-or-image))
-       (t (w3m-link-set-numbering))))))
+    (w3m-link-set-numbering (cond ((= arg 1) 'w3m-goto-next-link)
+				  ((= arg 2) 'w3m-goto-next-image2)
+				  (t 'w3m-goto-next-anchor-or-image))
+     str)))
+(defmacro w3m-linknum-prompt-str (num fun start def-anchor str
+				      &optional show-num)
+  "Construct a prompt string for function `w3m-read-int-interactive'.
+NUM is a number variable for currently to be selected element.
+FUN is a function to be called with NUM as argument.
+START is a string to start the prompt.
+DEF-ANCHOR is info for the default 0 element.
+STR is current string used for filtering.
+SHOW-NUM if specified replaces NUM."
+  `(let ((anchor (funcall ,fun ,num))
+	 (show-num ,show-num))
+     (setq anchor (if anchor (concat " [" anchor "]")
+		    (setq ,num 0
+			  show-num "0")
+		    ,def-anchor))
+     (concat ,start
+	     (or show-num (propertize
+			   (number-to-string ,num)
+			   'face 'w3m-linknum-minibuffer-prompt))
+	     " " ,str anchor)))
-(defun w3m-read-int-interactive (prompt fun &optional anchor default)
+(defun w3m-read-int-interactive (prompt fun type &optional def-anchor)
   "Interactively read a valid integer from minubuffer with PROMPT.
 Execute a one argument function FUN with every current valid integer.
-ANCHOR is initial element to print.
-Initial value is DEFAULT if specified or 0.
-Use <return> to submit current value; <backspace> for correction;
+TYPE is type of link numbering.  DEF-ANCHOR is initial element to print.
+Use <return> to submit current selection; <backspace> for correction;
 <C-g> or <escape> to quit action;
-`<', `>', <space> and <delete> for scrolling page."
-  (let ((prompt (propertize prompt 'face
-			    'w3m-linknum-minibuffer-prompt))
-	(num (or default 0))
-	(min-len (length prompt))
-	ch)
-    (let ((temp-prompt
-	   (format "%s%d%s" prompt num
-		   (if anchor (concat " [" anchor "]")
-		     ""))))
-      (while (not (memq
-		   (setq ch
-			 (w3m-static-if (featurep 'xemacs)
-			     (progn
-			       (display-message 'no-log temp-prompt)
-			       (let ((event (next-command-event)))
-				 (if (key-press-event-p event)
-				     (let (key)
+`<', `>', <space> and <delete> for scrolling page.
+Entering 0 may choose default anchor without <return>.
+Every other character is appended to a filtering string.
+<CTRL>+<NUMBER> is appended to the filtering string as <NUMBER>."
+  (setq def-anchor (if def-anchor (concat " [" def-anchor "]")
+		     "")
+	prompt (propertize prompt 'face
+			   'w3m-linknum-minibuffer-prompt))
+  (let ((num 1)
+	(str "")
+	(auto-num t)
+	ch key)
+    (catch 'zero
+      (let ((temp-prompt (w3m-linknum-prompt-str num fun prompt
+						 def-anchor "")))
+	(while (not (memq
+		     (setq ch
+			   (w3m-static-if (featurep 'xemacs)
+			       (progn
+				 (display-message 'no-log temp-prompt)
+				 (let ((event (next-command-event)))
+				   (if (key-press-event-p event)
 				       (or (event-to-character event)
 					    (setq key (event-key event)))
-					   key)))))
-			   (read-event temp-prompt)))
-		   '(return 10 13 ?\n ?\r ?\C-g escape 27 ?\e)))
-	(cond ((and (memq ch '(backspace 8 ?\C-h))
-		    (> (length temp-prompt) min-len))
-	       (setq num (/ num 10)
-		     temp-prompt
-		     (format "%s%d%s" prompt num
-			     (let ((anchor (funcall fun num)))
-			       (if anchor (concat " [" anchor "]")
-				 "")))))
-	      ((memq ch '(32 ?\ )) (w3m-scroll-up-or-next-url nil))
-	      ((eq ch 'delete)
-	       (w3m-scroll-down-or-previous-url nil))
-	      ((memq ch '(60 ?<)) (w3m-scroll-right nil))
-	      ((memq ch '(62 ?>)) (w3m-scroll-left nil))
-	      ((and (w3m-static-if (featurep 'xemacs)
-			(characterp ch)
-		      (numberp ch))
-		    (> ch 47) (< ch 58))
-	       (setq num (+ (* num 10) (- ch 48))
-		     temp-prompt
-		     (format "%s%d%s" prompt num
-			     (let ((anchor (funcall fun num)))
-			       (if anchor (concat " [" anchor "]")
-				 "")))))))
+					   key))))
+			     (read-event temp-prompt t)))
+		     '(return 10 13 ?\n ?\r ?\C-g escape 27 ?\e)))
+	  (cond
+	   ((memq ch '(backspace 8 ?\C-h))
+	    (if (or auto-num (zerop num))
+		(unless (string-equal str "")
+		  (w3m-link-numbering
+		   type (setq str (substring-no-properties
+				   str 0 (1- (length str)))))
+		  (setq num 1
+			auto-num t
+			temp-prompt
+			(w3m-linknum-prompt-str num fun prompt
+						def-anchor str "")))
+	      (setq num (/ num 10)
+		    temp-prompt
+		    (w3m-linknum-prompt-str num fun prompt
+					    def-anchor str))))
+	   ((memq ch '(32 ?\ )) (w3m-scroll-up-or-next-url nil))
+	   ((eq ch 'delete)
+	    (w3m-scroll-down-or-previous-url nil))
+	   ((memq ch '(60 ?<)) (w3m-scroll-right nil))
+	   ((memq ch '(62 ?>)) (w3m-scroll-left nil))
+	   ((and (w3m-static-if (featurep 'xemacs)
+		     (characterp ch)
+		   (numberp ch))
+		 (> ch 47) (< ch 58))
+	    (if auto-num
+		(if (= ch 48)
+		    (throw 'zero (setq num 0))
+		  (setq num (- ch 48)
+			auto-num nil))
+	      (if (and (= ch 48) (zerop num))
+		  (throw 'zero nil))
+	      (setq num (+ (* num 10) ch -48)))
+	    (setq temp-prompt
+		  (w3m-linknum-prompt-str num fun prompt def-anchor
+					  str)))
+	   (t (ignore-errors
+		(setq ch (string (w3m-static-if (featurep 'xemacs)
+				     (cond
+				      ((eq ch t) key)
+				      ((= ch ?\^@) ?\ ) ;<ctrl>+SPACE
+				      (t ch))
+				   (cond
+				    ((= ch 67108896) 32) ;<ctrl>+SPACE
+				    ((and (> ch 67108911) ;treat <ctrl>+NUMBER
+					  (< ch 67108922))
+				     (- ch 67108864)) ; as NUMBER
+				    (t ch)))))
+		(condition-case nil
+		    (progn
+		      (w3m-link-numbering
+		       type (setq str (concat str ch)))
+		      (setq num 1
+			    auto-num t
+			    temp-prompt
+			    (w3m-linknum-prompt-str num fun prompt
+						    def-anchor str "")))
+		  (error	; match-string-p error probably - undo
+		   (w3m-link-numbering
+		    type (setq str (substring-no-properties
+				    str 0 (1- (length str))))))))))))
       (if (memq ch '(?\C-g escape 27 ?\e))
-	  (keyboard-quit))
-      num)))
+	  (keyboard-quit)))
+    num))
 (defmacro w3m-with-linknum (type &rest body)
   "Within TYPE anchor numbering execute BODY.
-Types are: 0 no numbering, 1 links, 2 images,
-3 links, form fields and buttons, 4 all anchors.
+Types are: 0 no numbering, 1 links, 2 images, otherwise all anchors.
 Then clear numbering overlays."
-  `(progn (w3m-link-numbering ,type)
-	  (unwind-protect (progn ,@body)
-	    (w3m-linknum-remove-overlays))))
+  `(unwind-protect (progn (w3m-link-numbering ,type)
+			  ,@body)
+     (w3m-linknum-remove-overlays)))
 (defun w3m-highlight-numbered-anchor (arg)
   "Highlight specified by ARG number anchor.
 Return selected anchor."
   (let (newly-marked)
-    (dolist (overlay (overlays-in (point-min) (point-max)))
+    (dolist (overlay (overlays-in (1- (window-start)) (window-end)))
        ((overlay-get overlay 'w3m-linknum-match)
 	(delete-overlay overlay))
@@ -356,8 +450,12 @@
 	  (overlay-put match-overlay 'w3m-linknum-match t)
 	  (overlay-put match-overlay 'face 'w3m-linknum-match)
 	  (or newly-marked
-	      (setq newly-marked (or (w3m-anchor start)
-				     (w3m-image start))))))))
+	      (setq newly-marked
+		    (or (w3m-anchor start)
+			(w3m-image start)
+			(buffer-substring-no-properties
+			 start (next-single-property-change
+				start 'w3m-action)))))))))
 (defun w3m-get-anchor-info (&optional num)
@@ -366,7 +464,8 @@
-	`(dolist (overlay (overlays-in (point-min) (point-max)))
+	`(dolist (overlay (overlays-in (1- (window-start))
+				       (window-end)))
 	   (if ,condition
 	       (let* ((pos (overlay-start overlay))
 		      (href (w3m-anchor pos)))
@@ -388,7 +487,7 @@
 0 corresponds to location url."
   (interactive "P")
-   4
+   3
    (let ((info (if arg
 		   (let ((num (w3m-read-number "Anchor number: ")))
 		     (if (zerop num)
@@ -397,6 +496,7 @@
 		 (if (zerop (w3m-read-int-interactive
 			     "Anchor number: "
+			     3
 		     (list nil 16)
@@ -407,18 +507,20 @@
 (defun w3m-linknum-get-action (&optional prompt type)
   "Turn on link numbers and return list of url or action, position
 and image url if such of PROMPT selected anchor.
-TYPE sets types of anchors to be numbered, if nil or 4 - all anchors,
-1 - only links, 2 - only images, 3 - links, form fields and buttons.
+TYPE sets types of anchors to be numbered: 0 - no numbering,
+1 - only links, 2 - only images, otherwise - all anchors.
 Highlight every intermediate result anchor.
 Input 0 corresponds to location url."
+  (setq type (or type 3))
-   (or type 4)
+   type
    (if (and (zerop (w3m-read-int-interactive
 		    (or prompt "Anchor number: ")
-		    (unless (eq type 2)
+		    type
+		    (unless (= type 2)
-	    (not (eq type 2)))
+	    (not (= type 2)))
        (list w3m-current-url 16 nil nil)
@@ -428,35 +530,59 @@
 When link - visit it, when button - press, when input - activate it,
 when image - toggle it.
 With prefix ARG visit link in new session or don't move over
-field/button/image on activation/push/toggle."
-  (interactive "P")
+field/button/image on activation/push/toggle.
+With `-' ARG, for link image - go to it and toggle it.
+With -4 ARG, for link image - toggle it.
+With double prefix ARG, prompt for url to visit.
+With triple prefix ARG, prompt for url to visit in new session."
+  (interactive "p")
   (let ((info (w3m-linknum-get-action
-	       (concat "Follow " (if arg "in new session ")
+	       (concat "Follow " (if (> arg 1) "in new session ")
 		       "(select anchor): "))))
     (if info
 	(let ((action (car info)))
 	  (cond ((null action)		; image
-		 (if arg (save-excursion
-			   (goto-char (cadr info))
-			   (w3m-toggle-inline-image))
+		 (if (> arg 1) (save-excursion
+				 (goto-char (cadr info))
+				 (w3m-toggle-inline-image))
 		   (goto-char (cadr info))
 		((stringp action)	; url
-		 (if arg (w3m-goto-url-new-session action)
-		   (push-mark (point))
-		   (goto-char (cadr info))
-		   (w3m-history-store-position)
-		   (w3m-goto-url action)))
+		 (cond ((or (= arg 1) (and (= arg -1) ; visit
+					   (not (caddr info))))
+			(push-mark (point))
+			(goto-char (cadr info))
+			(w3m-history-store-position)
+			(w3m-goto-url action))
+		       ((= arg -1)	; goto image and toggle it
+			(goto-char (cadr info))
+			(w3m-toggle-inline-image))
+		       ((or (= arg 4) (and (= arg -4) ; new session
+					   (not (caddr info))))
+			(w3m-goto-url-new-session action))
+		       ((= arg -4) (save-excursion ; toggle image
+				     (goto-char (cadr info))
+				     (w3m-toggle-inline-image)))
+		       ((= arg 16)	; prompt for url
+			(push-mark (point))
+			(goto-char (cadr info))
+			(w3m-history-store-position)
+			(w3m-goto-url (read-string "Visit url: "
+						   action nil nil t)))
+		       ((= arg 64)    ; prompt for url for new session
+			(w3m-goto-url-new-session
+			 (read-string "Visit url in new session: "
+				      action nil nil t)))))
 		((eq (car action) 'w3m-form-submit) ; button
-		 (unless arg
+		 (when (= arg 1)
 		   (push-mark (point))
 		   (goto-char (cadr info)))
 		 (widget-button-press (cadr info) action))
-		(t (if arg (save-excursion ; form field
-			     (goto-char (cadr info))
-			     (let ((w3m-form-new-session nil)
-				   (w3m-form-download nil))
-			       (eval action)))
+		(t (if (> arg 1) (save-excursion ; form field
+				   (goto-char (cadr info))
+				   (let ((w3m-form-new-session nil)
+					 (w3m-form-download nil))
+				     (eval action)))
 		     (push-mark (point))
 		     (goto-char (cadr info))
 		     (let ((w3m-form-new-session t)

Diff finished.  Sun Dec 26 17:43:57 2010