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Re: Using w3m-download

On 2019-03-21 13:42, andres.ramirez wrote:
> I have been using w3m-download.el coupled with my w3m version
> (w3m-20190222.738). And It is working really fine.
> ...
> Thanks Boruch and Guys from improving w3m.

You're quite welcome. Thanks for the testing assistance.

Aaaaand ...

I just pushed a major commit that adds a bulk downloader, a queue, and
an xattr feature...

+ New feature: Function w3m-download-select bulk downloads links from
  a buffer or region by a regex and/or selection table. Popular
  regex'es are maintained in w3m-download-select-filter-list.

+ Downloads accumulate in a queue and are performed subject to
  dynamically adjustable w3m-download-max-simultaneous.

+ Option to use wget's '--xattr' feature, which saves URL and referer
  HTTP header to a file extended-attributes (only available if the
  target filesystem supports extended-attributes, doh).

+ Major documentation and layout changes.

I've performed basic testing, and it seems beautiful. Exhaustive testing
will have to wait because: a) I'm exhausted, and ; b) I have a holiday
today that needs some festive attending to.

A direct link to this latest version is:


CA45 09B5 5351 7C11 A9D1  7286 0036 9E45 1595 8BC0