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Re: Problems installing emacs-w3m cont.

This is after removing emacs completely and doing a fresh install with 
~/.emacs.d/init.el specified below:

Compiling file /home/slaurel/.emacs.d/elpa/w3m-20201126.339/w3m-util.el at Thu Nov 26 09:10:28 2020

Compiling file /home/slaurel/.emacs.d/elpa/w3m-20201126.339/w3m-weather.el at Thu Nov 26 09:10:28 2020

Compiling file /home/slaurel/.emacs.d/elpa/w3m-20201126.339/w3m.el at Thu Nov 26 09:10:28 2020

Error (bytecomp): Cannot open load file: No such file or directory, mime-view
Error (bytecomp): Symbol’s value as variable is void: tabstop [14 times]
Warning (bytecomp): function w3m-tab-button-menu used to take 1 argument, now takes 2

I guess I'll just have to live with using w3m outside of emacs but I do 
appreciate evryone's assistance. Thank you.

>Well, though I don't know what it is, I believe there should be
>something bad in your configuration or ELisp package you use.
>Even so, this installation way might work if your Emacs is not
>$ emacs -Q -batch -l ./FILE
>Where the contents of ``FILE'' are as follows:
>;;--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
>(require 'package)
>(add-to-list 'package-archives '("melpa" . "https://melpa.org/packages/";))
>(package-reinstall 'w3m)
>;;--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---
>Replace `package-reinstall' with `package-install' if it is a
>fresh install.