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Re: Unable to download mp3 files

On 2021-01-05 07:17, Katsumi Yamaoka wrote:
> In [emacs-w3m:13731]
> On Sun, 03 Jan 2021 10:21:57 -0500, aalinovi@xxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> > There is a website "www.bluesbeforesunrise.org" that I visit each Sunday
> > morning to download the mp3 files of the previous evening's show.
> Isn't it due to the barefoot w3m, i.e., the w3m executable, not
> emacs-w3m?
> > I have no problem doing this with the lynx browser, but w3m tells me:
> > http error 406.0 - Not Acceptable. The resource cannot be displayed
> > because the file extension is not being accepted by your browser.
> I got the same error when I tried to open a mp3 file in the
> terminal emulator that runs:
> $ w3m http://www.bluesbeforesunrise.org
> I meant I guess the barefoot w3m doesn't support or is designed
> to reject mp3 natively.

I succeed in using w3m outside of emacs to both launch the files and to
download them. I can launch them by pressing <return> on the link, and
download them by pressing 'a' ("SAVE_LINK" w3m keymap command). I'm
using the debian w3m package, and my install is quite old.

>  Why Boruch Baum does it is he uses the own version of emacs-w3m that
> uses wget to download files (the ordinal version of emacs-w3m uses w3m
> to download files). Some kind of setting may perhaps make w3m support
> mp3, though I don't know what it is.

The issue for emacs-w3m is that --IF-- user "aalinovi" is really asking
emacs-w3m to perform a download, then it should not depend at all on
mimetype - it should just save the resource. Mime-type should only come
into play if the request is to "open" or "launch" the URI. So, if user
"aalinovi" is really asking emacs-w3m to perform a download, then the
error that he is reporting makes no sense, and is a bug.

@Katsumi-san: are you able to download one of links using the 'a'
key-binding in w3m outside of emacs?

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