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Re: Asynchronous operation?

Hi Hannu,

Unfortunately, it seems that all the developers are away on the
summer vacation, or they cannot type a keyboard because all they
wear bandages around their both hands.:-p  Then, let me say my
personal views.

I am interested in the asynchronous operation and I believe that
it can be done.  However, I think it is not quite easy.  There
may be need to make an overall rewriting of w3m.el.

By the way, we almost Jananese are good at neither English nor
French, and you may not goot at Japanese too.  But, we have a
common language Emacs-Lisp.  Could you please show your work in
Emacs-Lisp codes?  We welcome patches or new w3m.el, and you can
get CVS committing acount to make `asynchronous' branch.
Katsumi Yamaoka <yamaoka@jpl.org>