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Re: Call for info writers


>>>>> In [emacs-w3m : No.04663]
>>>>>	Katsumi Yamaoka <yamaoka@jpl.org> wrote:

> I've added your patch just now.  I'll maintain the Japanese
> version later.  Thank you very much!

I found a Romain's question in emacs-w3m.texi. :)

@c FIXME: What could be the meaning of this?  :)
@c Actually, a Lisp object with which the @code{nnshimbun-group-parameters}
@c symbol is added to the forefront of such a list will be used (and it
@c will also be saved in the @file{~/.newsrc.eld} file).

Ah, since this is a *user's manual*, it can be removed. :-p
If you have nnshimbun's entries in the .newsrc.eld file, you may
see something like the following in the file:

("nnshimbun+savannah:emacs-devel" 3 ((1 . 16353)) ((seen (15392 . 15624) (15914 . 16353))) (nnshimbun "savannah") ((nnshimbun-group-parameters index-range all prefetch-articles off encapsulate-images on expiry-wait never) (timestamp 15954 57240)))

The effective nnshimbun-group-parameters are the following:

(index-range all prefetch-articles off encapsulate-images on
	     expiry-wait never)

To make Gnus handle them as one parameter, the symbol `n-g-p' is
added in the beginning of the list.  By this, we can access
those parameters of a nnshimbun group in one action.  For

(gnus-group-find-parameter "nnshimbun+savannah:emacs-devel"
			   'nnshimbun-group-parameters t)
 => (index-range all prefetch-articles off encapsulate-images on
		 expiry-wait never)

Do you see what I mean? :)
Katsumi Yamaoka <yamaoka@jpl.org>