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Re: w3m-search-engine-alist

>>>>> In [emacs-w3m : No.04694]
>>>>>	Romain FRANCOISE <romain@orebokech.com> wrote:

> Katsumi Yamaoka <yamaoka@jpl.org> writes:

>> In addition, is the name "fast" really pertinent?  What should
>> we do if a faster site appears? :-p

> In `w3m-search-engine-alist' we should probably use complete names such
> as "All the Web", because we have completion in the prompt[1].  Shorter
> names should be used with `w3m-search-quick-search-engine-alist' since
> the user has to type them every time.

That's good idea.  I'll add that site as "All the Web" to
`w3m-search-engine-alist' later.

> [1] By the way, how about making the completion case-insensitive?  This
> way one could type "all" and get "All the Web" as completion.

You already know it, don't you? :-p  I'll bind the
`completion-ignore-case' variable to t while `completing-read'.
Anyway, thank you for the good suggestion!
Katsumi Yamaoka <yamaoka@jpl.org>