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Re: XEmacs 21.4.14, w3m doesn't start up in x mode

Katsumi Yamaoka <yamaoka@jpl.org> writes:

> Thank you for reporting the bug.  That is caused by the absence
> of the gifsicle program in your system.  I've fixed it in CVS so
> that emacs-w3m works even if gifsicle is not available.

Thanks for patching it.

> However, we recommend you install gifsicle because XEmacs won't
> display optimized animated gifs correctly or may crash when some
> kind of an interlaced gif image is displayed (that is mentioned
> in the Info documents, and I've reported the problem to the
> XEmacs list in the past).  

I've installed gifsicle now.  Everything seems to work as expected.
Sorry for not having read the docs.
