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From newbie: problems with installation of w3m


I want to read with Gnus that kind of mails such as Internet adverts
(is that HTML mails?).
Then I was suggested to install w3m-el (an interface of w3m)
and add this line to my .gnus :

(setq mm-inline-text-html-renderer 'w3m)

. Do you think that advise is right?
From http://emacs-w3m.namazu.org I downloaded the package emacs-w3m-1.4.3.tar.gz,
but the README file tells to install w3m before installing emacs-w3m .
So I downloaded the package w3m-0.5.1.tar.gz and tried to install it,
but in the './configure' step I go on getting the message:

configure: error: gc.h not found

. Then I installed the following packages:

libguile12-devel, libgtk+1.2-devel, libgnomeprint2-2_0-devel,
libgtkmm2.0_1-devel, libgtkmm1.2-devel, gstreamer-GConf,
libGConf1-devel, gcj-tools, libdb4.2-devel,

but the configure problem remains.
Could you please provide help? What packages should I install?
I have Emacs 21.3.2, and, in another partition,
Emacs CVS 21.3.50.

Any reply will be highly appreciated.


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