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Re: mysterious file-error

>>>>> In [emacs-w3m : No.08218] Guido Van Hoecke wrote:

> When I view a web page and hit T or click the images icon, emacs-w3m
> starts looking for D:\\ap\\pspad\\convert which is an existing
> directory name, but not a program. I have no clue why it is looking
> for this pspad thing.

I guess the `exec-path' Lisp variable in your system contains
the "D:\\ap\\pspad" directory.  Normally the value of `exec-path'
inherits the `PATH' environment variable.  It's not wonder if
there are executable files in the "D:\\ap\\pspad" directory.
Emacs-w3m looks for the `convert' program in all the `exec-path'
directories.  However, it seems to be an XEmacs bug if the
`convert' directory is recognized as executable file.  Could you
try the following form?  To do that, copy the line into the
*scratch* buffer and type the `C-j' key at the end of the line.

(file-executable-p "D:\\ap\\pspad\\convert")

Regardless of the result, you can specify explicitly in the
~/.emacs-w3m.el file where the real `convert' program is:

(setq w3m-imagick-convert-program "D:\\some\\where\\convert.exe")

By the way, there are many bugs in XEmacs of the versions prior
to 21, and I don't put faith even in the latest XEmacsen.  Though
I was an enthusiastic XEmacs fan in the past, I had deserted it
in the end of 2003.
