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Re: w3m, cookie and google scholar

(I mistook in writing the address for the w3m list.  The correct
one is <w3m-dev at mi.med.tohoku.ac.jp>.  I've re-sent the last
message to there.)

>>>>> In [emacs-w3m : No.08944] Ren Lifeng wrote:

> Katsumi Yamaoka <yamaoka@xxxxxxx> writes:

>> BTW, could you write the ChangeLog entries by yourself?

>   I am not good at English. I think you will do a better job. But if it is
>   my duty to write one, here it is.

> 	* w3m-cookie.el (w3m-cookie-1-acceptable-p): accept cookie whose
>           domain attribute is ".foo.barz.bar" from host "foo.barz.bar"

> 	* w3m-cookie.el (w3m-cookie-retrieve): send cookie whose domain
>           attribute is ".foo.barz.bar" when requesting host "foo.barz.bar"

Thanks.  I'll use it.

> P.S. I also have received a reply from w3m-dev-ctl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,
> but i can not read Japanese. I trust maintainers of emacs-w3m to do
> anything they think right.

Let us do it as much as possible.
