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Re: w3m, cookie and google scholar

>>>>> In [emacs-w3m : No.08946] Katsumi Yamaoka wrote:

>>>>>> In [emacs-w3m : No.08944] Ren Lifeng wrote:

>>* w3m-cookie.el (w3m-cookie-1-acceptable-p): accept cookie whose
>>     domain attribute is ".foo.barz.bar" from host "foo.barz.bar"

>>* w3m-cookie.el (w3m-cookie-retrieve): send cookie whose domain
>>     attribute is ".foo.barz.bar" when requesting host "foo.barz.bar"

> Thanks.  I'll use it.

Those changes have already been applied to the emacs-w3m trunk.
And now, also your patch to cookie.c was improved and applied
to the w3m CVS repository thanks to Hiroyuki Ito and Dai Sato.
Thanks again for your contribution.

Best regards,