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Re: buttons in forms don't work anymore for XEmacs

>>>>> In [emacs-w3m : No.09541] Mike wrote:

>>> I � Unicode
>> What does `�' stand for? ;-)
(B> U+FFFD (REPLACEMENT CHARACTER). Some time ago a colleague
(B> had a T-shirt where the ~ in 
(B> had been replaced by a box. I.e. a T-shirts like one of these:
(B>     http://www.cafepress.com/nucleartacos.26721820
(BWow, should it be displayed as the question mark within the box?
(BThough Emacs does so, I thought it is simply a fault.  OTOH,
(BXEmacs 21.5 displays it as the Taiwanese letter `
'.  That is,
(Bit decodes the data as follows:
(B(split-char (string-to-char (decode-coding-string "\357\277\275" 'utf-8)))
(B => (chinese-big5-1 35 110)
(BMaybe it depends on the language environment or is simply an
(BXEmacs bug.
(B> U+FFFD is used when something didn't work right, therefore
(B> I thought I could put that joke into my signature
(B> by using U+FFFD. But apparently nobody understands that ~.
(BThat's interesting anyway.
(BP.S.  I think you'd better not add the Reply-To header; it
(Bprevents people from sending a reply to the list.