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Re: pages with many images slow

Katsumi Yamaoka <yamaoka@xxxxxxx> writes:

>>>>>> In [emacs-w3m : No.10639] Naohiro Aota wrote:
>> Katsumi Yamaoka <yamaoka@xxxxxxx> writes:
> BTW, when pressing the T key, the order of images re-displaying
> in a page (containing many images, like asahi.com) differs from
> that of the unpatched w3m.el.  While the unpatched w3m.el seems
> to start re-displaying of images from the top of a page, the
> patched one seems to do it from the bottom of a page.  It might
> give a user an impression that emacs-w3m does nothing for a while
> (if she/he is looking at the top of a page).  Though it might be
> hard to achieve, it will be better to start it from images that
> are currently visible in a page.
> (できない相談かもしれませんが、T を押したときに、現在見えている
>  画像から再表示を始めるのが良いかもしれません。)


w3m-idle-images-show-list に cons しているものと同じものを画像のところに
w3m-idle-image-item という text-property として置いておきます。
w3m-idle-images-show() でのプロセス起動の選択を以下のようにします。

- w3m の buffer 上にいれば
-- (point) に w3m-idle-image-item があればそれを
-- なければ、一番近くの w3m-idle-image-item を
- buffer 上にない、あるいは前項で選択できていなければ、今まで通り
  w3m-idle-images-show-list の lastを

そして選択されたもの (item) を w3m-idle-images-show-list から、消して
text-property も消しておくとカーソルの近くの画像(≒ 現在見えている画像)

;; 一応、今のコードでも last からとっているのでぺージの先頭から表示する
;; はずなのだけどな

Index: w3m.el
RCS file: /storage/cvsroot/emacs-w3m/w3m.el,v
retrieving revision 1.1414
diff -u -r1.1414 w3m.el
--- w3m.el	27 Jan 2009 04:33:33 -0000	1.1414
+++ w3m.el	30 Jan 2009 18:55:28 -0000
@@ -3623,18 +3623,44 @@
 (defvar w3m-idle-images-show-interval 1)
 (defun w3m-idle-images-show ()
-  (let ((repeat t))
+  (let ((repeat t)
+	(onbuffer (member (current-buffer) (w3m-list-buffers)))
+	(current (get-text-property (point) 'w3m-idle-image-item)))
     (while (and repeat w3m-idle-images-show-list)
-      (setq w3m-idle-images-show-list (nreverse w3m-idle-images-show-list))
-      (let* ((item (car w3m-idle-images-show-list))
+      (let* ((item (or (and onbuffer
+			    (or current
+				(let* ((prev (previous-single-property-change 
+					      (point) 'w3m-idle-image-item))
+				       (next (next-single-property-change
+					      (point) 'w3m-idle-image-item))
+				       (prev-diff (and prev (abs (- (point) prev))))
+				       (next-diff (and next (abs (- (point) next)))))
+				  (cond
+				   ((and prev next)
+				    (get-text-property
+				     (if (< prev-diff next-diff) prev next)
+				     'w3m-idle-image-item))
+				   (prev
+				    (get-text-property prev
+						       'w3m-idle-image-item))
+				   (next
+				    (get-text-property next
+						       'w3m-idle-image-item))
+				   (t nil)))))
+		       (car (last w3m-idle-images-show-list))))
 	     (start    (nth 0 item))
 	     (end      (nth 1 item))
 	     (iurl     (nth 2 item))
 	     (url      (nth 3 item))
 	     (no-cache (nth 4 item))
 	     (size     (nth 5 item)))
+	(setq w3m-idle-images-show-list 
+	      (delete item w3m-idle-images-show-list))
 	(when (buffer-live-p (marker-buffer start))
 	  (with-current-buffer (marker-buffer start)
+	    (let (buffer-read-only)
+	      (remove-text-properties start end '(w3m-idle-image-item))
+	      (set-buffer-modified-p nil))
 	      (lexical-let ((start start)
 			    (end end)
@@ -3661,8 +3687,6 @@
 		      (set-buffer-modified-p nil))
 		    (set-marker start nil)
 		    (set-marker end nil))))))))
-      (setq w3m-idle-images-show-list
-	    (nreverse (cdr w3m-idle-images-show-list)))
       (setq repeat (sit-for 0.1 nil)))
     (unless w3m-idle-images-show-list
       (cancel-timer w3m-idle-images-show-timer)
@@ -3769,19 +3793,22 @@
 				(set-buffer-modified-p nil)))
 			    (set-marker start nil)
 			    (set-marker end nil))))
-		    (setq w3m-idle-images-show-list
-			  (cons (list (set-marker (make-marker) start)
+		    (let ((item (list (set-marker (make-marker) start)
 				      (set-marker (make-marker) end)
 				      (w3m-url-transfer-encode-string iurl)
-				      size)
-				w3m-idle-images-show-list))
-		    (unless w3m-idle-images-show-timer
-		      (setq w3m-idle-images-show-timer
-			    (run-with-idle-timer w3m-idle-images-show-interval
-						 t
-						 'w3m-idle-images-show))))))))
+				      size)))
+		      (setq w3m-idle-images-show-list
+			    (cons item w3m-idle-images-show-list))
+		      (w3m-add-text-properties
+		       start end
+		       `(w3m-idle-image-item ,item))
+		      (unless w3m-idle-images-show-timer
+			(setq w3m-idle-images-show-timer
+			      (run-with-idle-timer w3m-idle-images-show-interval
+						   t
+						   'w3m-idle-images-show)))))))))
 	;; Remove.
 	(while (< (setq start (if (w3m-image end)
@@ -3809,7 +3836,9 @@
 	      (delete-region start end)
 	      (setq end start))
 	     (t (w3m-remove-image start end)))
-	    (w3m-add-text-properties start end '(w3m-image-status off))))
+	    (w3m-add-text-properties start end
+				     '(w3m-image-status off
+							w3m-idle-image-item nil))))
 	(set-buffer-modified-p nil)))))
 (defun w3m-toggle-inline-image (&optional force no-cache)